Mmj tincture high

how does a mmj tincture high compare to smoking a joint is their a difference feeling in the high

It’s really hard giving an answer to this question because we are all affected differently by what we use…
Generally, tinctures will act like edibles (just quicker if taking sublingual), where the THC is carried through the bloodstream to the liver to be metabolised and redistributed to all blood pumping organs in your body. You get most of the cannabinoids. Very efficient.
When you smoke the flowers, it’s the oxygen that carries THC to your lungs to be assimilated and redistributed. Less efficient.
For me, when tinctures or edibles work, the buzz is relatively similar to smoking but a lot more intense and long lasting. But since it’s different for many people the best thing to do is try it! But start slow, take a few drops under the tongue and wait 15-30 minutes to see the effects and then you can adjust your dosage. GO SLOW, you won’t die if you take too much, but it could make for a few very uncomfortable hours…


The above answer so correct. Nothing I could add.

Well maybe you would have to decarbolox the flower first. Choosing a alcohol or oil base can also be a factor.

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