Money, loans, etc

Id like to hear how you sourced your funding. Did you borrow from friends and fam? Did you save up yourself? Did you sign up partners who had the cash? Did you get loans? From banks? Venture capital? Credit cards? Personal loans? Stacked loans? Hard money? I’d love to hear your stories a snap learn how everyone has funded their grow or dispensary or lab.

For me its a combination. I managed to save a significant amount of cash from my delivery service in California. I’m using a service that sources me loans from banks for a 10% funding fee. Then I pay the banks repayment terms. Lastly our familes have stepped up to be very supportive of our business and have offered to invest in us if needed. We are lucky. It’s very hard to find funding I’ve learned. Even with perfect credit and no debt it’s proved very challenging. I’m very grateful for the funding I’m securing. Looking forward to hear your funding strategies, techniques, and stories

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Calling @growopowners, @DispensaryOwners, @Investors, @Bankers : where did your capital came from when you got into the business?


We used the profits from our existing greenhouse business.


SAGE helps operations finance LED conversions or new construction and find rebates. Some clients end up cash positive when rebate comes in and with OPEX reductions and leasing write-offs get into the black without VC or other dilution.


We used capital from our personal savings.