Music of choice when on a good high?

Hey everyone.

Keen to hear what your go to music playlists or songs that bring the high even higher?

Recent one ive discovered is King Buffalo, album Orion.



The Dark Side of the Moon- Pink Floyd


Might have to jam that out next time. Good choice


southern ROCK . high or not .it makes me feel better .


NATURE. When i have a good high i like to go outside and listen to birds and other animals and bugs lol.


Ahhh @rucifer999 , we got stoned yesterday, went into the bushes with some tools, made some bush trails and then made a fire on top of a hill watching an eagle fly and cry in the air.

Then got home, broken and bruised after so much cutting and shopping through thorn bush and listened to

Everyone was asleep, it was dark, no power ( thanks to our corrupt government ) and just chilled smoking a joint.


Sounds beautiful!


All of it sounds beautiful except the corrupt gov. Sorry to hear about that. With no power did it cause any issues with a grow if u have one going?

I’m in Az and our power used to go out every monsoon. Had to plan grow accordingly lol.


Yip, sadly after trying for just under a year realised indoor is not the way to go here, too much time, investment and lack of stable power. We are growing under shade netting next year and giving supplemental solar lights to improve our growing season. Yip adjust the sails of your ship during difficult winds. Aye aye captain.


Any music by
Jelly roll
Muck sticky pretty funny feller
Hitman has a few good tunes but jelly roll and dax.
Daxhas lots of super songs if u listen to music for the words like I do his music has meaning. Listen to
Dax depression
Dax alcohol
Dax I don’t want another Sorry
Dax to be a man
Dax joker

Jelly roll
Save me
I only talk to God
Wheels dall off
Jelly rolls whitsett chapel album is all a good CD


yea me too i like the night animal sounds .the day time sounds too


Pink Floyd - Dark Side of the Moon


I’m big into old hip hop. Started collecting vinyl just smoked a gager while listening to these beauties.


Man like in the mid 90s a buddy had a stereo system with records and I’ll tell ya what if u could jam records like this in a vehicle with sounds there would be no other comparison. The sound was crisp clean and the bass hit so. Ice coming off a record. Cds and tapes r good but tru sound comes from right there.


Exactly. Pure uncompressed audio. You hear the air, you hear all of the redundancies that digital music removes.


Yeah and for all the old school banging music I seen it is so much better sounding than a cd is bass hits way different and all. I should have kept the stereo system I had I miss it from time to time. Had 2 10 inch mid speaker subs 2 15 inch subs 5 mid range speakers and 4 tweeters the room banged like inside a car with pro sounds. My mom most def hated it when she knew I was staying home in my room. Lol. However I did find her a few times blasting my radio coming home from school while she cleaned the house up. Lol. I always had tape cassettes tho and never used the turn table on it hell that radio is prolly worth some money today. :joy:

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haha ya. I have a panasonic Technics receiver from the 70’s a set of sony fs8000 towers, a paradigm centre, and a 350w active paradigm sub. When I was in my mid 20’s I couldn’t tell you how many times I had the cops called on me for it hahahah


My neighbors were actually really cool with us. We watched them they watched us. They had they party days and noone said shit so they were the same back in return. As long as no one was getting hurt and having fun they didn’t care how loud or what we did. Hell we would play bball in front street til 2 and 3 am with spot lights blaring. Cops came by and never said anything unless someone made a call to them about Boise but we kept it to a ball bouncing and hitting rim for loudest noises. Good ole days. Some times I miss them other time I don’t. Lol.


I was in a 12 apartment apartment building LOLOL

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I lived in hamtramck then so homes were like we could shove a casserole dish out the window and the neighbor grab it from inside their window. Lol. I shit u not. We could literally jump roof to roof and run from cops because they were so close together until u hit a single story home and u were on a double story then it was an oh shit moment. Lol.

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