My Dx tester

Any body seen, heard or have experience with thing. Seems like it could be a good breeders tool.

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More detail? I don’t know what you are referring to?


It’s a little electronic device about the size of a cell phone that you put a little sample of dry flower into and it somehow sniffs the sample giving the user a cannabinoid and terpene analysis ? Search MyDx

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That’s a lot of money what are you trying to accomplish?

From the voices in my head Ethan


I beta tested for them several years ago. The test unit I had was actually pretty close to real lab tests I had done at the time. When the finished product was released, they disabled my test unit and gave me one of the new versions. It was worthless. During all of the testing, they recorded peoples results based on strain names and then put their database together using an average of those numbers. It did not matter what I put in the tester, if I listed a strain name, even a fake one, I would get the results from the database for that strain rather than real numbers. Very disappointing to see what they did.


That is sad :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:


yeah i will pass


Yeah, I read their white paper and was very confused on whether I would get real world numbers on my tested sample or some kind of comparison to something in their database. Just trying to figure out which way my crosses are leaning. I have severe fibromyalgia and psoriatic arthritis so I need a lot of Cbd with a little thc.


I like more THC to CBD for nerve end pain. Some of the guys out here will know what to grow. There are lots of CBD only verities. But, most people want THC and a lot of it. I like about 2:1 THC to CBD. I get a little funny in not a plesent way smoking the high CBD low THC verities.

But I dont like the all THC no CBD either. My brother loves these.

Take a look at Open Cannabis Project

From the voices in my head Ethan

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My younger brother is like that, always quoting super high THC numbers, even though I’ve been preaching CBD and a more complex cannabinoid level since the early 80’s. I don’t even mind a little CBN now and then, almost get like a drunk feeling since I don’t drink anymore . The 2:1 CBD to THC seems to work the best for me. I really can’t afford to have my pheno’s tested so I found some seeds with the correct ratio from dinafem. Knowing the ratios they advertise is what I use to make more seeds with hoping high CBD follows through in the cross breed.


Better read lots of basic genetic book. I have posted some of the old articles used for the WW2 hemp for victory campaign.

Start by definition of a good plant. As more on a different thread and I will find reassures.

From the voices in my head

I’ve been studying Rob Clarke’s book on Cannabis botany since I first got it in the 80’s, well minus 30 years after another life intervened . :sunglasses:

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Take a look at An Introduction to Plant Breeding Paperback – February 11, 2008

Good book, very practical :shushing_face:

From the voices in my head