My Jacks's Nutrients Feeding Schedule . Any suggestions for correction are welcome!

Week ppm N Target EC Ratio N-P-K-Ca-Mg N-P-K-Ca-Mg in ppm NO3-/NH4+ K:Ca:Mg Jack’s Part A(5-12-26-0-6) : Jack’s Part B(15-0-0-18-0) : Finish(7-15-30-0-2):Epsom Salt ( 9.8 % Mg )
Propagation (day 7 ) 75 - 100 0.5 - 1.0 1-1-1. 75-75-75
Early Vegetative First 2 weeks after transplant 100 - 125 1 - 1.5 1 - 0.6 - 1.3 - 0.9 - 0.45 100-60-130-90-45 1/0 1:0.7:0.35 1:1:0:1/3
Late Vegetative Vegetative 3-10 150 - 200 1.5 - 2.0 1 - 0.6 - 1.3 - 0.9 - 0.45 200-120-260-180-90 1/0 1:0.7:0.35 1:1:0:1/3
Pre Flowering Flowering 1-4 200 - 225 2.0 - 2.5 1 - 0.8 - 1.7 - 0.75 - 0.375 225-180-380-170-85 1/0.08 1:0.45:0.25 1:1:0.5:1/5
Peak Flowering Flowering 5-8 100 - 150 1.5 - 2.0 1 - 1 - 2 - 0.66 - 0.33 125-125-250-83-41.5 1/0.15 1:0.33:0.16 1:1:1:1/10

Do you have a link to the program or spreadsheet you used to calculate and display your NPK/CA/Mg ratios? If I have time in the next few weeks to dig through my notes I’ll compare what you shared against the information I have. Thanks for sharing!

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I dont , i was doing manually on piece of paper trying different combinations .

I used as a base the studies of Brian Whipker the professor from North Carolina State University he is most active in the cannabis world and Lynn Griffith from Harrells .

Based on the last studies about cannabis i had few starting points :

  • High Nitrogen until late in transition
  • Minimize the K not more then 1:2 in flowering N/K ratio , and keeping reasonable levels to not block Ca and Mg
  • Minimize the P as much as possible especially at the start of the flowering period , P is number one factor in stretching there is a ton of studies about that in contrary of the commercial hobby fertilizers i will try to cut it even more on 20 ppm P - 45 ppm P2O5 , when i will have time to do some updates
  • Keeping the K:Ca:Mg ratio close to 4:2:1 because of their ability to block each other , maybe just the Mg to pump a little its easy with the Epsom Salt 4:2:1.5 , Cannabis loves Mg
  • As much as possible N from Nitrate
  • Keeping the N in amounts of 100-250ppm ; P 20-25 ppm ; K2O 250-400 ppm ; Calcium 150-250 ; Magnesium 25-50 ppm ; Sulfur 50-200 ppm ; and micronutrients
  • Last 4 weeks of flowering on the lower side of EC
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