I agree so beautiful
They do be some fatties! I’m super excited to try them… they still have 7-14 days of drying to do…
Those are some good looking juicy fat nugs
Welcome to the community @UFOtofu
Like the avitar and does that say phuc up like you mean F#@$ up if so lol.
Thanks and Welcome to the form!
cleaned and reconfigured with my 700W Floraflex light, the tent with 6 plants is Pineapple Haze in the back and front Acapulco Gold in the center, tent with 5, Acapulco Gold gold in the center and Norther Light Blue around it. 2x4 tent is clone, veg and mothers.
Well with all those you don’t have to train them just put a net up and then poke them through and flower lol.
I’m letting them veg another week trying to get them a wee bit bigger! its truly a balancing act because I want them to flower rn! its Acapulco Gold and Pineapple Haze that I’m very excited about!!!
did you program it? or did you buy the program for that piece? Unless you have a use for one on an ongoing basis, and with what the printer costs and the plastic, I bet I can buy a bag of them cheaper than you can make them lol.
You are absolutely correct! I got the STL free from one of the many sites for them. Also I enjoy technology and 3d printers are almost the apex of it. My wife has several online businesses that sell crafting stuff and she sells 3d printed things on them, so I make some money back from them and it gives and excuse to buy more 3d printers and 3d printer things
Here’s a little update! also was wondering if its typical for some plants to revurse and some to not? all the tiny plants have been treated with STS every 5 days at the same time. only one looks like it reversed whiles the other two did not. any suggestions are very welcome
I dont believe so its 20 bucks a roll of filament here i can prolly print up about 3500 clips from a roll give or take say 500 that would come out to right about a penny or 2 a piece for lst clips. I made some like coyote codys first sets he did and i jave a 2 piece kind from him i print and prolly both r between 1 and 3 cents in material if that. Now time to print is a biotch tho. Lol. 12 clips is roughly 3 hours to print so if u add time into it then maybe a little cheaper to buy in bulk but i still almost feel like 3d printing them is the cheapest way. I can find pronts toʻ and print up some fan mounting bracjets so ur fans can be mounted to ur tent poles i know u know this as ive seen u on the forum since ive started here lol. Im more into teying to make little containers to send seeds thru the mail in a card and still get away with the stamps as postage. Jave to be so thin and pkgs have to be within a certain weight to pass the stamp method. Lol. Finally got some plain ole circle 4 slot holders made that should work now to print up a ton of them to off to ppl who send out lots of seeds these will keep seeds from being crushed by rollers and such
Your first pic definitely has some nanners coming out.
I’m thinking that’s what he was talking about lol.
I think they were getting at total overall cost, when you ad a decent printer, material electricity and time your looking at $500+, I have well over 3k invested in my printers, with a modern printer and slicing software you can print 12 lsts in about 1.5 hrs. (MK4s)