I got three blueberry OG that just popped up today. They’re regulars so I’m hoping for a girl.
Blueberry is one of my favorite strains!
I’ve never had it.
Great for pain and insomnia! I think the flavor is good also! It smells great during the grow also!
Sounds like one I should harvest like I did my 11 roses. It was 100% Indica harvested it with zero Amber. Great for relaxing the body you can be slightly ambitious if you want you can focus which is a plus for me biggest favorite part of all…NO COUCH LOCK… I can sit in my chair hundred percent comfortable relaxing watching TV till midnight not fall asleep. Perfect. Because I don’t need help with that. Once my head hits the pillow it’s the next morning.
It’s definetely surviving, burt like Hap said you very well might have to carefully pluck the seed cover off. The way I do it is to put a big fat drop of water on it with a syringe, and then keep an eye on it, when the water starts to evaporate away I put another drop on and do that all day, after awhile the seed cover gets soft from the water and the sprout pushes it off. But you have to really keep an eye on it to make that work.
Smoked that one time, very much liked it. It’s been around forever for good reason, good smoke. But you don’t see it around much. I’ve never grown it.
I have removed helmets before using the method you describe. It might be a membrane like @happilyretired said because it doesn’t look like a helmet under the magnifying glass. I need it to get just a little taller to mess with it. I figure 2 days more before I can do it safely.
You know seedlings wont stand up if the tap root doesnt dig in…the seedlings goal is to drive the tap root and then when it feels secure it with start the leaf opening and turns green and starts to photosynthesize. I tested a bunch of seeds. See when i got really serious with growing cannabis. I went about it in stages or classes or whatever you want to call it. But i tried lots of ways of sprouting seeds. Like direct sow, paper towel, hydroponic in a cloner, soak before, no soak, in domes out of domes, lights on vs all darkness. then i tried different medias for sprouting like rockwool cubes, coco,soil,promix, plugs in nutrients. This is when i noticed about the tap root anchoring well then the plant will grow faster. If the tap roots loose the plant wont grow well and can spend all its energy trying to set the tap root. Ive even seen seeds lift them selves out of cubes trying to secure the tap root and then die. Then i learned as much as could for each aspect. Like different medias and growing from seed to flower in each type. Cloning: i used every part of a plant to try cloning. Like shoots, armpit clones, top part of plant. Lower shoots. Then i tried cloning in soil,coco,promix,plugs in nutrients, rockwoolcubes,aero cloner. Theres a lot of things you cant test as you learn. Shit im still playing with topping and scrogs and sogs. I just cant get enough of this plant!
I love growing and playing with my plants! I basically play with them using the information I absorb here on the forum. My grows have gotten better since I found this forum and all the helpful advice. Basically I dropped the bucket about 4 inches when it slipped going into the water tray when I put it in the tent. Live and learn. I just picked up a new 2x2x6 AC Infinity tent to replace my 32"x32"x63" tent. I have the new Iongrid T-22 light to put in it and plan on putting a Chocolope in it. I was talking to my daughter earlier that if I liked that tent I plan on downsizing my 4x4x6.6 tents to 3x3x6.6 AC Infinity tents to give me more work space. If I do that it will give me an extra 16 square feet to work with. Here is a picture of my new tent after I set it up and put it in my grow room. It is smaller, but taller, I needed a taller small tent for the new light to grow a complete seed to harvest plant. The shorter tent was okay but I only used it for Vegging. With the taller tent should be able to go all the way to harvest in it. I’m pretty sure I can get the same results with the 3x3x6.6 tents as I did in my last grow in the 4x4x6.6 tents
Man that just looks small. Only because my smallest tent is a 2’wx4’hx4’L here it is with 8x plants in it now.
I use a pretty low cost led at this stage of growth.
I gotta say this light is rediculous but it grows awesome and cheap! Its a low cost beg light.
My new one is small, but a 3x3 wouldn’t fit into the space where the old tent sits. I cut back to one plant per tent after using Dakine 420 nutrients. I really try and stay within the rules of my dry flower amount for my grow permit. I just like having more than one strain of flower on hand Dakine had me exceeding it! Lol! Plus I was wanting to try out that new light! I’m thinking if I go to 3x3x6.6 tents I can upgrade the 2x2 tent up to a 3x3x6.6 tent. My son in laws brother is moving out here where I’m located and said he would take all my old unused equipment off my hands for a reasonable price so I should be able to swap out my equipment pretty cheap.
Well good on ya man. Im 100% illegal and fubar if i go down. Oh well its kinda my thing…got to make my medicine and i aint paying for it. Been at it since 1997. And a longtime member of “Ill do it myself” club. Damned if i do and damned if i dont really. Its better to be an opiod addict here in this assbackwards state than a guy keeping to himself growing a plant peacefully for mental health and pain control hmm i say come try and take my medicine it wont end well for anyone.
Holy crap! I think this is what happened to my Monkey Cake seeds back in Nov/Dec. Seeds germed great and had nice looking tails. I stuck them in Sohum (fluffier than what I’m used to growing in) and a day later they were right on the surface and stayed there. I wanted to mess with them so badly, but I didn’t. Fast forward an entire week… and there was freaking NOTHING in either cup. Like they just disappeared. i’m packing it down and keeping it wetter now and the next seeds didn’t walk off. ha haha!
@LasVegas7 Check out Prey’s response above.
Yeah man ive seen em climb out of cubes. I cut the cube open like a hotdog bun. Then closed it over the root. And taped it closed and the plant immediately like 1hr it changed from withering to leaves being deployed. It was night and day.
what kind of tape? Any old tape that sticks even after it gets wet?
And in response to this i really think getting a bunch of waste seeds to play with sprouting and rooting is kinda fun. I never understood this fully. But i want to do a test now because ive left seeds for weeks in a paper towel and they got all long and tangled and didnt die. But i couldn’t tell if it was just because the seeds were more fresh or genetics or temperature or moisture or what. But sprouting them alone is interesting. But im kinda intrested in the fuzzy micro root filament looking parts of the roots when they start out then the taproot goes down because the fuzzier it is the taproot seems to be the best. So i want to time it where the root is a fuzzy ball like a q-tip and then plant it and see if it affects rooting speed. Because I just sprouted some test seeds from another grower here at GN and they had awesome vigor and now there kinda sucky and just sarting to grow slowwww. Watching em carefully and trying them under 2 different lights as a test also. Always something to try…
Um i just use reg tape but went around the whole cube. Then i had an idea and use a smaller rubber band worked better. Otherwise i pushed the cube against the side of the tray and use another cube to tuck up against the cube to push it shut.
See how much I’ve learned in an hour from you!