Need help Amnesia having problems



Without knowing what nutrients, grow media and lights you’re using, I would suggest that the problem may be heat and nutrients.


my 2 favorite charts. helped me diagnose many problems of my own. without knowin more, i’d say classic nitrogen deficiency. could be others though, use these charts to help but they don’t take light into consideration.
i should add, i have no affiliations. i don’t work for Dutch Passion or any other company, but knowledge is knowledge.


Saved, shared, downloaded, where has this been all my life???


I’m thinking nitrogen or zinc deficiency. I’m leaning towards zinc deficiency because of the leaf tips. (FWIW).


With lighting you think it’s to close? Nutrients you think I need more?


It could be the heat from the lights, but if your in the 2nd or 3rd week of flower it’s more likely the nutrients. What nutrients are you using? I used to use Advance Nutrient, grow, micro and bloom and I always had that problem in the second or third week of flower until I switched nutrients.


Gotta give the forum some info if you are going to get good help, no age, or anything else makes it hard to give help as we have to guess too much about a lot of factors. It looks like you are around week 6-8 of flower? What are the color of your trichomes? What nutes and how much are you using a gallon? What light and wattage and how close are you keeping it?



I would say that you got your nutrients a little bit too hot but it appears to have been remedied. All of your new growth in the center of your flowers is green and lush. Any damage you already have is not going to get better. Always look to your new growth as an indication as to what is currently happening.

All the damage you are seeing right now that looks so bad probably occurred last week. Just sayin…


Here is a template of info that helps the forum help you. Ignore my info that I didn’t delete and use your’s.

Grow Journal Check List


Strain (bagseed too):
Indoor: Tent
Light height:
Temps (day and night): Day= 77 f, night= 65 f
Relative Humidity (day and night) : Day 70 % - Night 50 %
Added Air (fans, portable acs, heaters, dehumidifiers) : Humidifier
Ventilation: AC INFINITY T4 – Room Ventilation: AC INFINITY Airlift T10
Pot sizes:
Nutrient type:
Ph numbers: 5.8 TO 6.3 with R/O WATER
Ec and PPM: PPM
Water Temps: 69 f

Seed germination date:
Veg duration:
Nutrient cycles (how often feed/water):


Yay nacho for the win!!!

Good grow you got going @ebeezy .

Welcome to the Growers Network. We love to watch you grow. Fill out that info that nacho left ya and the Growers can give much better precise response.


From the looks I would agree with Hap…
BTW welcome to GN !
Looks to me your EC/ppm got a little too high… Remember this one fact…EVERYONE… when your EC gets too high you are GOING TO SEE ALL KINDS of nutrient deficiency symptoms…your intracellular osmotic pressures are so high they are actually pulling nutrients OUT OF THE CELLS.

Whenever you see leaf burn like that beginning you have to do a serious flush with r/o or distlled water and then just irrigate with water only for 2-4 days before slowly adding nuets back in. Hap is correct whatever damage you have at the time of the flush isn’t going away but rapid action will get them back in line and prevent futher damage.

SERIOUSLY, I have seen many growers who aren’t even aware of EC, get in this position and then start ADDING this or that chasing fantom ‘deficiencies’…That only COMPOUND the problem…

First factors for TRIAGEING leafburn like this is Checking pH (nutrient solution and drainage water)
Second factor is EC( Nutrient solution and drainage water)
If you don’t have some quality meters…get the best you can afford…shooting in the dark will only waste your time and money… Good Luck