New Article Published on Green Flower

Hey friends! As you may know, along with being on the Boveda social media team, I’m also a free lance writer. I was just published on Green Flower with this piece on my theories about the plethora of seedy weedy on the market. Let me know what you think :slight_smile:

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Very interesting read. Well written. Quite informative.

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Thank you! It was such an interesting article to research. That rabbit hole!

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It’s good, well written and easy to follow

And funny as well “Did we shave our legs for this?” Lol


Nice work mate. Well written, very informative about hermies. Question so is it a mutation that the plant undergo to become hermie or is not. What i mean is all feminine seeds are made from hermie’s. So are these seeds bad or something wrong ?? Or you just don’t like the idea of sex change. Hehehe only the best survive, and gets to breed as rule for all living things.


Thank you! So as I understand it, properly bred seeds take two different plants – two different gene lines. Normally of course that’s a male and a female. The Hermie seed however is made with only the one plant’s gene line.

Properly bred feminized seeds are created with two female plants. They grow a bunch of the desired cultivar, choose the two nicest plants. One is sprayed with colloidal silver to turn her flowers into male, pollen producing flowers whose pollen is female. That one plant pollinates the other. They then harvest those seeds, grow a bunch of them, choose the two nicest plants and continue to work that freaky science over and over until the female genes are considered stable–six times I think.

I grow 25 in a 850 sq foot apt :slight_smile: No intentional seed-breeding happens here lol. But I have pollen in my freezer for when we buy a home in the country :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

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Dianna I think you have the right ideas and concept right, the approach isnt all there. Cause if you breed clone to it self you would minus out half of the outcome … Correct since your using x x to breed with x x. And from these seeds you would cross it back to the mother plant to get more pure of the genetic that you want. Or am I wrong , you don’t want to cross the new seeds to each other you want to cross it back to it mother plant that you started out with… correct me if I’m wrong…

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Hey! I’m sure there are several different techniques. And, I grow all types of seeds. I have more regulars simply because they’re cheaper but many people feel they’re more stable. I don’t pick favorites :slight_smile: