New badges for country and state

We’ve added location badges to indicate the country (and state for the US) of all the community members. This will make it easier to find people near you to network with. It also allows you to see at a glance the location of a community member when they reply to your post. This can help give context to their answers given the differing rules and regulations between states and countries.

Some interesting statistics from the Growers Network community member locations:

  • We have members from 13 different countries: the US, Canada, Australia, Austria, Colombia, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Taiwan and the UK.

  • The top 5 represented states in the US are, in order: California, Washington, Colorado, Oregon, and Arizona

  • We have 40 different US states and territories represented on the community.

To see all of the country and state badges, go to the badges page here.

Click on any of the country or state badges to see all of the people in that location. If you are viewing a post and want to know where someone is from, click on their avatar to bring up their user card. Either the location badge will show on their user card directly, or if they have a lot of badges, you may need to click on the “more” button to see their full badge page.

If we have your location marked incorrectly, or if you move locations and need to change your badge, just let me know and I can adjust your location badge for you.