New grow light

Hey i have this plant here maybe a month old wasnt taken care alp that well until i got it but i just got this new grow light its 300 watts is this ok for just this one plant? And is the height of the lights ok? Cheers!


Well since you asked, and I really am not trying to muck things up, but that grow light is old school, blurple. The new grow lights are all natural colored like daylight. It will grow it, but you sure won’t get optimal results with that one.


Ok thanks man all advice is appreciated im a new grower trying to expand my knowledge on growin pot


@sssportsmfg good to see you brother. What he said is right that light is for seedlings only really. Theres so many lies about lights on ebay amazon. You have to dig to find the watt information. Because there lying bastards. Read the specs close and ask us before buying anything.


Much appreciated brother


The lights that have a spectrum closer to daylight then the blurples make it much easier to diagnose potential plant and pest problems early on as well


To understand what distance a lamp should be hung at, you need to know how much light said lamp puts out. Light quantity is measured in PPFD (sometimes also referred to as PAR). The PPFD value tells you how many photons hit a specific area, a canopy, for instance, and we measure this value with the unit umol/m2/s.
All light consists of photons. The more intense the light, the higher is the number of photons. With a quantum meter, an Apogee MQ-500 for instance, you can measure just how many photons hit a specific area.


Blurple lights are mostly outdated because they run hot, they’re lifespan is pretty short and they dont provide quite the spectrum that current white bar-style or quantum board LEDs do!
Gavita, iluminar, HLG, Luxx and other quality brands is where its at right now in terms of grow lights!


Well other than that you should do ok with your light. Growing is a colleting kinda hobby. Grow with what you have and work on your grow as you go.

You will have everything you want in the end. Keep on trucking.


Thank you everybody

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