New Grower need tips

Those plants are looking great my friend… I am a few weeks behind my self… I do have a question tho what is a defining point that you know you plants is not a seedling anymore

I’m not completely full of information on this but I believe once more nodes appear on the plant, could not be completely correct

4 wks no longer a seedling now a young plant

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The only advice I have is to start out sun growing once their big enough n it’s warm enough for them to go outside might be too late by the time spring comes as they’ll be pretty big to relocate I usually start seedlings in January n February as I prefer to sungrow for the fact you not only get quantity but also quality. Start out learning by sungrowing and once you get the hang of it a couple harvests or so then dabble in indoor growing indoor is much more extensive and complicated then outdoor it’s best to learn by first trying it out in the sun that way you’re primed and somewhat prepared to try you’re hand at indoor. Good luck to you you’re plants are looking awesome not bad for being new to growing.

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We used happy tree frog this yr amazing results no regrets here

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Some of the threads are very old. They stop using it awhile back. I usually have to clear these out.