!new product alert! 30% weight increase in just 2 weeks!

Hi team! Just wanted to let you know that there has been a new plant food developed called AGRO FARM’S “+30”. It is a uniquely formulated organic spray solution that targets the accelerated delivery of essential nutrients into the plant. Powered with phytohormones such as gibberellin, auxin and cytokinin, this unique product drastically increases plant density and weight, destroys parasites and mold on affected plants.
Evenly spray the solution on the buds of the plant until entirely wet. Best to use three times a week during the last two weeks of bloom.

Fantastic results guaranteed! It is currently only being sold through manufacturer and in selected hydrostores in CA. DM me if interested. I’m happy to answer all your questions and show lab test results.


Is it a 30% increase of the total yield??

Or, a 30% increase of the weight put on during the 2 weeks it is being used??

It get the feeling it is the latter, which is maybe like 5-10% of total yield which is still a good number but its.not 30% total and thats what most people will assume when they see “30% increase of weight over 2 weeks”. Maybe im wrong though, maybe you have stumbled upon the holy grail of cannabis cultivation.

Sorry i somehow edited my original post instead of creating a new one. Im special.


@style.d got a link to any literature or maybe a grow report or two

thank you



Literature please…Sounds like micronized Kelp +Biostim (Silica, K, Mb, B)


The product is new and we are working on increasing the distribution.


Here are the lab results! Please let me know if you have any more questions. Can send you samples free of charge.


is that a report on a bud sprayed with this product?

to spray on a bud to test it?

I was hoping for some info on the product not so much on a bud that was sprayed

thanks and no grow reports?
