Hello everyone, getting set up to start growing for the first time. I am a decent gardener, so growing the plant will not be a problem. My question is, should I start from seeds or clones. To me the clone seams better as I will get 100% females. It that what most people do when growing for the first time?
Thanks in advence.
Welcome to the forum I personally started out with feminized seeds which produce only females and clones are good if u get the right genetics but watch for insects on them before you put them in your grow space
Clones are not easy to get for some. Clones are iffy due to pests and the growers may not have a good phenotype. I prefer seeds also but some new growers start with autos and not photo-period seeds. But get femanized if you’re growing some flower. Or you could get male plants if using regular seeds. @mouse935 has some good advise.
Are you in a legal to grow state? If so some dispensaries have clones you can buy, and some have seeds, and some both depending on what state you are in.
I use Feminized seeds, as I can then try out different strains, when I get to a knock you to your knees strain then I will start cloning lol. I’m still searching for that WOW strain. Bear in mind also that lots of seed sellers list the cannibinoids higher than they are, and some grow their own versions of the originals, so it may not be the same as the original breeders strain in terms of quality or potency. It is best to get fem seeds direct from the original breeders, if you do they will come in a fancy packaging for the most part. Best of luck on your endeavor ! Post pics, ask questions, there are some very knowledgeable people on here.
To give you an idea here are a few original breeders packages of seeds.
Hi @capial,welcome to GN. If you have the opportunity to start with clones, go for it. But like @PreyBird1 said, it could bring a few problems with them. Feminized seeds are also a good option to grow female plants… Why not try both!!