New to the forum not to growing

Thank you I oook forward to being a part of it and you can dm me any time

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Sounds good

they are never stupid… we did it for a reason that made sense at the time…lol… and we learn from it… by the third all the lessons should be complete…lol…

At my local farmers bar we use a cricket run rate for guys age and the amount of marriages. So its your age, and the amount of divorces you have had. The best run rate I have heard if in my local pub is 67 for 5 wickets. 67 years of age with 5 divorces. When people ask me, my cheeky answer is, I have never made that mistake.


welcome to the forum. Enjoyed ur intro and if there is a way of helping u just reach out. Thank you for your service. Be well and stay safe

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Great introduction and story I think we’ve all had some kind of life altering experience with this great plant

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And I was wondering do you have any seeds for sale

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Welcome to the CANNABIS FORUM.

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Hahaha touche

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Thank you I try and stay cool but it’s getting harder now a days my 12 year old daughter think I’m a lame loser who needs to get a real job…as she strolls off with the new iPhone so she can chat on her lap top with her “ internet” friends to play star stable . :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:
She gets mad when I ask her who she is talking to and no matter what she’ says I’m always like nononono his name is earl hes 53 he lives in his moms basement and is a pediofile!!! And walk out her room!!! My internet friends are real… weirdos too like me I guess but we don’t like kids just plants… hahaha

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I will take being called a weirdo as a compliment… better than what my mom calls me… and she claims to love me…lol…


Ya I’m not really looking forward to my daughters hitting the teen years. My oldest already says “yes dad” every time I go into her room like I am there to give her shit or something and she closes her iPad when the door opens. She is a good kid but still makes me nervous that she gets off whatever she is doing when I come in.

Bahahaha I totally 100 percent relate to that! And right I’ve for sure been called way worse!!! My 12 year old doesn’t curse hates weed but she’ll be like ur ugly or her new thing is absolutely not listening to me at all like straight up say no or I’ll pass when I ask her to do stuff… and does the same shit with her electronics so we can’t see but little does she kno we have this app called bark and it shows us everything she’s done or typed or looked at… but mine is so beautiful it scares me I’m preparing myself to put my hand on at least two 16 year old boys some day! Hahaha

I make mine once. Never again!!! Lol

I was trying to figure out why my daughter was being so defiant smashing my things when she came over… so the one night I called my brother in law who is a detective and my sister works for the police and I said what do I do… he said hang on i will send a car over… he let her think she’s going to jail and eventually brought her there and she had to stay the night and they took her to school… a month ago my daughter says…“you know why I was such a bitch…???.. mom didn’t want me and my brother around you so she said act up and break things and they’ll just bring you home…” I laughed when she told me that and I said …“and…???..” her answer was “fuck did you show me that wasn’t going to happen”…lol… and was with in the month she just started to behave with me…lol…

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