Newbie questions on plant conditions

You can find it in the topic “support ticket” . Thanks holmes.

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you can go here and read about soil pH and correcting it prior to planting. I think at this point your Best choice with well-established plants it’s run water with the opposite pH that you have to lower or raise your ph.


I agree. Flush with low pH water until it comes down.
What do you have in the soil to aid air flow?

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Well u have enough help here but I will say 80f water is to hot. Hotter the water less oxygen in the water therefore your roots can’t uptake any nutrients your water does have. It’s recommended 68-77 but I’d keep it to around 68-70 personally… Just a tip from your neighborhood blue guy lol :facepunch:t2:


Also looking into possible causes to leafs turning even though it is old growth would there be any benefit to adding great white or any other form of root booster in case the cause is compounded by root rot


Root rot is caused by not enough oxygen to your roots. That is why you want fabric pots or air pots. They allow air to get inside the soil and flow around the roots, effectively killing off many bacteria and fungi. Make sure your pots are draining well and root rot shouldn’t be a problem.


Or poke a million holes in your pots.


If anyone is looking around for what makes this Forum/Community so great just show them this thread. I can close my eyes and just hear the gears turning lmao. You guys are amazing!

Welcome to the party, @hotrod . Invest in a good helmet and prepare to make some friends. :guitar:


All this flushing and watering, don’t over do it.


I’m currently using 3gal fabric pots they seem to be draining fine


Fabric pots are great. Since you are using them root rot is nearly impossible. If you think your plants may need more O2 because the roots may not be in optimal condition, then add a little bit of 3% Hydrogen Peroxide. It will boost the O2 levels very quickly and kill off most bacteria around your roots. But only do this if the plant is really in need because there are good bacteria in the soil also and you don’t want them dead.

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their is a product called real grower recharge. it will add alot of benefical microgramism to your soil. please excuse my spelling…


Thank you @treedawg, It looks very similar. The main difference I see so far is that one has food and one does not.

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Should I purchase the above mentioned product and if so which one should I purchase because i am currently feeding them nuke heads with a few other additional supplements


When you add microbes to your soil, it almost always takes a couple of days for them to get going. When they do, they are wonderful. They help regulate pH and all kinds of other goodies. It’s worth adding. You don’t let them dry out though. You don’t want them wet, but they need to stay lightly moist to be most efficient. Water to runoff and let them drink 80-90% of it before watering again.

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I think I’m going to try the microbes I found the recharge fairly inexpensive


The nutes we use also have the microbes and such, but it also has food that interacts with the microbes and pH regulates itself for ideal uptake.

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Just an update for everyone helping out this far the real grower recharge will be arriving today and I will be adding this when I water the plants and I will post updates as I see them or a lack there of, thanks again everyone for the help