Ninja Goldfish

We have a new product on the market in South Africa, I got a sample bottle when it first arrived in South Africa from the States. Heard and still hearing great reviews about it being very effective for PM and mites, but a comment this morning got me thinking what is this product, so I did a little homework about the product and active compounds, I am no scientist but concerned that people are saying this is safe to use even on harvest day.

Claim by the Promoter
“Ninja goldfish brings back the shine and luster to your plants. 3in1 organic pesticide/fungicide/budwash that kills bugs and mold instantly. Safe to use during any cycle, even on harvest day. Works on all ornamental flowers, fruit trees, nut trees, cannabis and vegetables. For optimum plant health, choose ninja goldfish. Feel free to inbox me for orders, lab test results and additional information. No order to big or small.”

Firstly its registered as a body sanitizing spray and not an agricultural product.

The main compound
What is Zetrisil? Zetrisil® is a proprietary nano-based silicone compound created by ESC Brands that is used solely or in conjunction with either isopropyl alcohol or conventional quaternary ammonium compounds.

Active Ingredient
Benzalkonium Chloride 0.10%

Is benzalkonium chloride harmful to humans?

It is a respiratory toxicant, immunotoxicant, gastrointestinal toxicant, and neurotoxicant. Benzalkonium chloride formulations for consumer use are dilute solutions. Concentrated solutions are toxic to humans, causing corrosion/irritation to the skin and mucosa, and death if taken internally in sufficient volumes.

My point to this post is the claims people make without looking at the potential dangers of those claims. Be careful out there.


Some further reading and interesting studies done on the compound benzalkonium chloride:

“Therefore, we conclude that apoptosis could be an important mechanism of acute BAC cytotoxicity in lung epithelial cells, and chronic exposure to BAC even at sub-lethal doses can promote pulmonary EMT.”

Chemical safety:

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I sent a message the promoter making the claims and he was adamant that it was safe for use:

“Awe brother, thanks for the concern. When u use it as a budwash , use the 2 bucket system, first bucket ninja goldfish and 2nd bucket clean water. Then it’s safe and will even pass for medicinal cannabis. The 0.3 zetrisil is quite safe anyway. Tony Kerby even drank a 50ml ninja goldfish to prove it.”

“Quantity is key here…just like alcohol. If u drink 100%alcohol, u will most probably die, but if diluted properly, it’s quite safe.”

“Note the test was done on cured cannabis buds… and also another test was done to see if it effects quality and potency”


Thanks for all ur tireless work u do for us Chris it is greatly appreciated i think ill pass on this one