No stretch because lights are positioned low?

Single Fem, non-auto plant in tent and lights are about 20" above top of plant. Lights were switched to 12/12 on January 6. Plenty of flowers appearing and the plant looks very full and healthy. It isnt stretching, though. Is that because it is getting plenty of light as it is and doesn’t need to try to reach up for light?


Could be. I blast my plants prety hard in flower. If im at full go like at flower time or couple days after flip then i dont see a lot of stretch either. To me its nice gives fatter buds and less gaps between the buds. Too much light isnt good but too little is worse lol. However i did recently purchase a cheapo ppfd meter off amazon and am going to start to see if i see differences in all aspects using a meter keeping lights dialed in good vs how my eye and mind say do it. Lol. Long as all seems good with the plant i wpuldnt stress it. Keep up with what ur doing. Leaves r not dark or light green are they. They dont feel ir appear to be crispy at all. If not keep on keeping on brotha. Dont fix whats not broken. Lol


Did you top it? The more tops the less stretch in my experience, they all stretch but a lot less than a untopped plant. I have three in my tent right now that barely stretched at all, but I also topped them three times, one into two, two into 4 and 4 into 8. Now I have little bushes growing on the end of each 12 growing tips but they didn’t grow longer much at all. And 20 inches is plenty far away to allow them to stretch, I have had plants stretch so much they grew above the lights starting less than that away from the light.



Well some plants take longer to stretch. I find that stretch can be different for every plant and strain. The stretch happens afyer the plant makes more roots. Your plant 8s probably builing up roots and is going to stretch shortly.

Hey @ArtVandalay good to see you again. Hows life? any luck with finding some work? Anything i can do to help out? You can DM me if you like.