Nute burn/deficiency/ mold or WTF

Anyone have an idea of what this is? How to treat it?


Leaf Septoria (Yellow Leaf Spot) On Cannabis Plants

Leaf Septoria (Yellow Leaf Spot) On Cannabis Plants

Cannabis plants, unfortunately, are susceptible to a wide variety of diseases and pests. Leaf septoria is one such disease, and can greatly damage the foliage, development, and yield of your cannabis plant. Learn how to properly treat and prevent leaf septoria from devastating your crop.


26 Oct 2017

Leaf septoria is a harsh plant disease that regularly affects the foliage of a variety of plants, including cannabis.

If not handled properly, leaf septoria can be devastating to plants, destroying foliage, stunting their growth, and ultimately affecting the size and quality of their yields.

In this article we take a close look at cannabis leaf septoria, what it is, and how to treat/prevent this disease from affecting your cannabis crops.


Leaf septoria, also known as septoria leaf spot or yellow leaf spot, is a plant disease caused by a specific kind of fungus known as Septoria lycopersici.

This fungus usually overwinters on dead foliage or common garden weeds. Fungus spores can also spread onto equipment like garden stakes and netting, before germinating when conditions are right.

Leaf septoria can be an extremely damaging disease, greatly affecting the foliage and growth of a variety of plants, including tomatoes, parsley, and obviously cannabis.

As the name suggests, leaf septoria is characterized by yellow and brown spots forming on both the upper and lower sides of leaves. The spots tend to be circular with dark brown margins and tan or greyish centers. They usually measure between 1.5 to 6.5mm.

Leaf septoria usually affects plants just after they enter the flowering stage and usually forms on lower leaves first. As the disease develops it spreads its way upwards, quickly affecting multiple leaves all across the plant.


Looking good.

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Thank you for the information. I removed the infected leaves, increased ventilation and treated them tonight when the lights went out. Thank you.


It also looks like a Maganese deficiency. What nutes are you using? How often do you water/feed? Soil mix? Lights? Indoor or Outdoor?

Look at these pix and see what you see.

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