Ocean Forest VS Strawberry Fields

I am in a very remote area and have been growing with plain dirt with compost and having fair to partly cloudy results. Just recently Fox Farm’s products have been made available to me so I ordered Ocean Forest, Strawberry Fields, and Happy Frog along with their basic trio nutes. I have read that the OF is better for veg and Strawberry Fields is better for flower. I have purchased 5 gallon fabric pots, 20 WW photo seeds and 5 each of amnesia haze, blueberry and Northern Lights autoflower seeds. For the autos I’m thinking of starting the seeds in solo cups with HF and then when ready put them in their forever 5 gallon pots filled with about 1/3 to 1/2 of the SF on the bottom and the rest with OF so as the plant grows through veg her roots will finally get down to the SF hopefully about the time they start flowering. Does this sound feasible?

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I have never used strawberry fields but ffof is a pretty good soil. I wouldn’t start your autos in solo cups. Make the centre area of your five gallon pot with happy frog and start the germinated seed in there. The stress of the transfer is enough to stunt your harvest yield. Because of their short life span every day counts. I don’t know If your mixture plan would work any better than mixing them together or just using ffof… after about two weeks the charge in the mixture is very low and the plant is depending on your nutrient feeds. I would concentrate more on a good feeding schedule rather than worry about soil mixture.


I am ordering these as we speak: https://www.amazon.com.mx/gp/product/B07CKJ5NLQ/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A22TNJTMHYRDX4&psc=1
Others have had good results with autos since there is no transplant. Just bury the whole shebang.


I would really like to see how these work in your grow. Think you could create a grow log for your autos on the forum so I could see?


I plan to do a journal. I ordered the bags and Amazon says they’ll get here around the end of Oct. Told you I was remote. lol. Just talked to a buddy that is in the States now and will be returning on the 21st. of this month with the seeds I ordered and he said he’d bring the bags also. I’ll keep you informed and I should be able to post the start of the journal shortly thereafter.

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Great! Can’t wait🤙

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Hi Mayakid.

Please tag me in your journal if you can (and remember when the time comes :wink: ) I also grow autos and I am very interested in seeing how those bags work.

I transplant my autos, burying the stem up to the first pair of leaves and treat with root stimulant. I got the suggestion here in the forum and on the site of the shop where I buy seeds. I can’t really say if it’s effective because I had too little lightning. Now I’ve upgraded my lamps and just transplanted 5 Sweet gelato auto and 3 OG Kush auto:


Nice pics. I mix happy frog ocean forest and strawberry fields together along with plenty of perlite sometimes coco loco. I use less of the happy frog and coco loco in the mix and I have never had any issues. I take it easy on the nutes though. Any one ever order from true north bank, how’s the quality of beans?. Thanks


I have used Happy frog and ocean forest for a long time now. I ordered strawberry fields by accident about a month ago. Ocean forest is perfect for seedlings and veg stage when mixed 50/50 with Happy frog. By the time you get to flower most of the nuts that came in the soil are used up so just start fertilizing for flower and you’ll be fine. I’ve read a lot about the Strawberry Fields soil and it’s a fruiting soil not a flowering soil so a bit different than what you need. If you mix the happy frog 60% with the strawberry fields 40% it seems to work just fine. Full strength not so much. I hope this helped a little bit.


Well I’ll respond even if this thread is from September lol
I use ocean forest mixed with strawberry field’s
Earthworm castings then amendments… From seed to weed :v:t2::sunglasses::v:t2:


strawberry fields has coco coir in it if i am not mistaken. That’s good. Here’s why: When a pot of FFOF dries out, when you re-water it, the water runs straight through. The coco in the Strawberry Fields will help the soil retain water longer and rewet easier.

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Got it! Here’s a more conversational response for the forum post:

Hey there! Your plan sounds pretty solid, and it’s great that you’ve got access to Fox Farm’s products now. Using Ocean Forest and Strawberry Fields in the way you described should work well. Starting the auto seeds in Happy Frog and then moving them to fabric pots with a mix of Ocean Forest and Strawberry Fields sounds like a smart approach.

Just make sure the solo cups have good drainage, and don’t let the seedlings stay in them too long before transplanting. The layering idea with Strawberry Fields at the bottom will likely give your plants a boost when they hit flowering.

For the nutrients, just follow Fox Farm’s feeding schedule, but start light and watch for any signs of nutrient burn. And keep an eye on your watering – fabric pots dry out faster but offer great aeration.

It sounds like you’ve got a good grasp of what you’re doing. Best of luck with your grow, and I’d love to hear how it turns out!

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