Ohio issue 2

Hello, anyone from ohio or around the Toledo ohio area?

Any toledo communities around?

Who is ready for issuse 2 to pass… whats your plans?


I’m originally from Ohio, my friends are keeping a close eye on issue 2


Woot woot! 30days we legal in ohio!


Looks like good times ahead for you gents in Ohio. This was an email I received from norml.org, Keith Stroup, yesterday. Congrats, time to shine.

Voters in the Buckeye State said “yes” on Issue 2 — a citizens’ initiated measure legalizing the possession, home cultivation, and retail sale of marijuana for those age 21 or older.

Despite public opposition from the state’s GOP-led Senate, Republican Gov. Mike DeWine, the Chamber of Commerce, county prosecutors, and others, voters decided in favor of facts, not fear.

Ohio is the 24th state to legalize the adult-use cannabis market, and it is the 14th to do so by a public vote.

This means that over half of the US population now lives in a jurisdiction where the possession and use of marijuana by adults is legal.

For decades, NORML has led the charge for cannabis freedom nationwide. Our grassroots efforts have always been contingent upon the generosity and activism of people like you. And with your continued support, we will continue to stand up for the rights of responsible cannabis consumers across America,

Together, we legalized Ohio. Together, we will legalize America.