Ok so what is in your opinion the best air pump (pretty big one)

And it is much appreciated too! This green is fairly dark I think I will wrap it where it goes through the bucket with black electrical tape a couple of wraps wide, that should keep mos of the light out.




If ya don’t mind helping a DWC newbie out, the roots on my little 1" tall girls are already like 18" long all the way down in the water in my cloner. When you move your seedlings to your mesh baskets on your 5 gal buckets, how do you keep from mucking up the roots? Those Hydroton balls look like they would mess up the roots pretty easy, do you just do it very gently? Or do you have a method? Thanks for any pointers!


I just lay the roots in the net pot and cover them gently a handful at a time with hydroton.
They are pretty tough.
I bring the water all the way to the bottom of the pots and into it a little until the roots drop.
It wont take them long

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One week in system

2 week in system

One week

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How big were they when you put them in the 5 gal buckets? Mine in my cloner are only 1" high, a couple are a week behind the biggest 1" one. Just small 3/8" long leaves after the cotyledons.

Thanks for all the help!


I let mine get a couple of sets of leaves on them.
I really dont think it would matter as long as the roots are long enough. I start mine in an aerogarden.

I transplanted a few days after that picture

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Anytime .
If I dont know the answer I know who will lol

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Ok yeah, we are doing the same basically, I used my Turbo Klone cloner as a aeroponic seed starter by getting net pots that fit the hole. I just need to let them get bigger first. Probably another week, week and a half. thanks again much appreciated!


No problem.
They grow fast

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Hummmm so that yellow lid doesn’t light up the water inside? Or does it diffuse it enough that it doesn’t have the ability to grow algae ? I thought that DWC tubs had to be black?


No light gets in but I also cover them with panda film.

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Ok I was wondering about that and the light colored yellow plastic. Wish I had done the lower flat tubs.

Here is a picture of the buckets with air stones going, just got my 1150 GPH air pump today, plenty of air for all 5 buckets.


That looks good