Okay finally i can sit back and relax a bit

So my OCD took over and with the help of you guys and the Internet I tried to get everything as close to perfect as I can.temperature is a little high I think but it’s hard to get it perfect. I got the dehumidifier going , fans circulating air, I’m picking out a few worms here and there that I see not many lol ,( I grew outdoors) . Im doing my best ! Any other tips or advice would be great !


:thinking:… which room do you dry your flower in? (Answer) every room… :joy::joy: I like your style.:v:t3:

BT will take care of the worms. And if you look up PureCrop1 it is a fantastic preventative product. You can use it once a week that half strength for maintenance. If you get a bug infestation, you just go full strength and spray three days in a row. You can also mix BT in with it for the worms. The plants love the stuff. :+1:t3::v:t3:


Can you use that during drying??


What’s your guys advice on knowing exactly when to start curing? How accurate is that branch snap method ?


Feel the buds if they feel crispy outside and still moisture in the middles jar some of the buds with a meter and see what the jar holds at closed for like 4 to 6 hrs. If high then open jar and leave it set a bit if not too bad I’d jar or bucket it all and watch the buckets so they don’t dry too much. Sometimes snapping sticks makes for buds to be too dry when some r moist still. Best way is to jar so much and watch the meter in the jar. If not too bad then jar all buds and just burp the jars daily for a while. Jars will def slow down the dry and cure process. Too fast and it loses tastes from not curing properly.


@spades90 Dude… Duuuuude… You’ve done an amazing job! That’s just fucking cool.


You can get yourself a inexpensive wood moisture meter. Stick the prongs in the bud and it gives you a percentage of moisture. You’re looking for around 10%. That’s just a general number. Someplace to start basically. If you hand trim you might jar them at 12%. it takes all the Bro Science out of it. It’s also very consistent. :+1:t3::v:t3:


I just went out and bought one can’t wait to see if my buds that have been drying for seven days are ready :grin:


Thank you for that advice