OlyAutoflower Spring/Summer 2021 Project (Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing.)

What’s up, party people! It’s another beautiful Sunday. Time to get the measurements on all the girls.

Spiral 2

Day 93! I can’t believe it! @mudman 93!

61 or 62" or thereabouts

Day 62 At least this little one is still growing.

20" (+2")

Spiral 3
Day 62

I3: 43" (+1")
Z3: 33" (+0")
W3: 28" (+1")

T1: 44" (+5")
T2: 34" (+0")

Eileen Jr.

Bale (WC): 28" (+2")


(Sorry about the drama yesterday. It’s over. I said what I was going to do and I’m not doing more. I’ll forgive, but I won’t forget. Time to move on.)


Freaking gorgeous, Oly! :metal: I really appreciate you taking so much care with my girls and documenting them so well!


Now that we’ve come this far with the ISK’s, I’m going to make a few observations. I’m going to say that I’ve seen three different pheno types which I’ll call Weird, Big, and Eileen. The Weird pheno is what I saw in S1. Some stupid looking leaves, stunted growth, and an incredible high. I’m putting half a zip away so I don’t touch it until this is over. The Big pheno is demonstrated in S2, S3, and T1. Lots of height and big leaves. I can’t wait to see the effect this plant has. The Eileen pheno is clearly T2. Fat, curvy leaves and pink pistils, not nearly as tall and leaves not as big as the Big pheno. Possible Poison Breath effects when smoked?

We’ll find out. After S2 and T2 have had a chance to dry and cure, we’ll have a comparative smoke report!


How the ef you keep track of all this shit man. Doesn’t it take the fun out of it…lol I guess not yiu enjoy the data clearly, maybe your like Rainman or better yet Ruderailsman, runtzman. Ill work on it… LoL
So many plants man nice job. It’s a lot to keep track of but you make it look easy fors sure.

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“It’s the journey, as much as it is the destination” or some such bullshit. But I do indeed love the data. I have my grandfather’s notes and journals of 38 years of farming. I have 5 years of notebooks of my grandmother’s gardening. Both are from Delaware AND (truth be told) I haven’t read any of them.

But I also have kept my own personal notes for my brewing and fermenting adventures since 2006. Which was the same time when I got THE SAME grandfather’s notes of HIS brewing and fermenting (which clearly I have read and studied).

Being an OCD nerd runs in my genes. (This comes as no surprise to anyone reading this I’m sure.)


Does not surprise me! :joy:


Spiral 2

Spiral 3




Oly, it always impresses me when I look at your pictures. You have it dialed in and looking beautiful.
Oh, and the plants look amazing too.
Well done as usual


Very well done @OlyBoy
We are all trying to live up to the Oly way
They all sure look Bright & Healthy


Now All I can think about when I see the name Oly is - I’m gonna get you sucka!!! :rofl: … Funny thing is I hate that movie …just a great name …well that and the verbage! ! Lol


S1 ISK: three out of three.


I love that movie! It’s so stupid funny!

You know that when January comes around, I’ll be twitching to have a outdoor plant.


Thank you all for noticing. I do my best to grok. And the gardening part of it helps calm my brain down too. The community of growmies rocks here!







T2 looks to be thickening up a little faster than the others did. Fatter leaves… Faster flowering… I think you found your indica pheno. How does she smell? The buds on the S1 girl are getting nice and fat! :metal: She’s a beauty!

As always, a beautiful garden all around. I’m just partial. :wink:

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I know you mean the S2 plant. The S1 is the PKD.

I have to be honest with you, this is one pungent girl. Sun hits her? Stank. Give her a couple gallons of water? Stank. Gust of wind? Stank. Do not grow this pheno outdoors if you don’t want everyone to know what you’re growing. S3 and T1 upstairs are just as stanky.

T2 smells sweet and delicate and nowhere near as pungent as S2.


Yes. Typo.

Definitely sounds more LOL leaning. Aileen wasn’t “loud” but there was a depth to the smell… the LOL girls I grew were kind of that way too.

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I think I might have an auto that is foxtailing. I’ve been watching for a few days to see if this is foxtailing.

@Jimhigh66 @happilyretired @defnsmokn @LoCoRocK @1sttimegrower @tammydc @mudman @Enlightened420 @happyhippy @bow4buck, anyone…???

If this is indeed foxtailing, what might I expect next from this plant?



Kinda looks like all of my foxtails,
Never seen it on an auto tho :man_shrugging:


It still looks good to me. See what is concerning you, but I would keep an eye on it. I had one of my Blueberry Autos that had similar looks to yours.
I raised the light, and put more air on it.
DID NOT affect the bud.



Poison Breath does that sometimes. Looks a little weird trimmed up, but smokes just fine.