One hundred square meters (about 1100 sq feet)

Hi friends of GrowersNetwork:

In Ecuador, South America, the regulation for Medical Cannabis and Industrial Hemp is about to be ready. The Pro-Cannabis organizations are struggling to include non profit and communitary organizations in the regulation. We had a meeting with the working team from the Departament of Agriculture and they have asked us for a “100 square meter” (about 1100 sq. feet) setup for small organizations. I need your help!

I need some info for writing the project proposal:

How many plants can be grown in 10x10 meter room/greenhouse?
How production can I expect for plant?
How many lights?
Hidroponics? Ebb&Flow?
One level? two levels?
Hand labour?

And any other useful information you can have.

Thanks, thanks, thanks a lot for your time and support!



How many plants can be grown in 10x10 meter room/greenhouse?
How production can I expect for plant?
How many lights?
Hidroponics? Ebb&Flow?
One level? two levels?
Hand labour?

That is a huge feat. There are so many variables. Big plants, small plants, pot size, genetics. Maybe consider something that is fairly easy to install and custom build like an aquaponics system for 10 x 10 with 100 medium sized plants ( 20 kilos every 4 months from feminized seed )? Maybe look at energy efficient supplementary lighting. I am going to send you that book I promised. It contains a chapter called “Kasinomics” and will give you some unreal ideas for communities, with stats.

How quick do you need something like this done?


Hi @chrisj thanks for your input.

Lighting will be definitely needed. The project proposal must be presented as soon as possible. Gonna look for kasinomics!

Thanks again,

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We have a cooperation agreement with one of the universities in my city. Two engineering students are working in intelligent greenhouses and a flood & flow system (not exclusively for cannabis). Some pictures below.



unach_006 unach_005 unach_003 unach_002 unach_001

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Hi Friends, greetings from Ecuador.

Cooperativa Ananda is working hard to get the type 2 license that allows us to produce seeds (but not import) and clones up to 500 m2 .
We have a small warehouse and want to setup a 50 m2 mothers/clones. I’m uploading some basic renders. The space we have is 5x10 m2 = 50 m2, indoor.

Any comment / link will be appreciated, specially the energy/water/sewage setup.

Thanks in advance!

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