Opportunities for RN in Cannabis

Good Afternoon GNET! I have a close friend who interested in the Cannabis industry but does not want to jeopardize her RN with using Cannabis or potentially being affiliated with the Cannabis Industry. How can this affect her in the Nursing program and or how can this affect her licences by acquiring a MJ card in Arizona?

Does anyone have insight on the Board of Nursing and its stance on Cannabis?

Thank you all for your time!


Email travis@growersnetwork.org


She could move to Canada and prescribe Cannabis! I just saw a job doing this with a salary range of $80,000 to $110,000/yr.


Thank you for the response. Is there any companies or anything you know of in the States that might be a a good starting point?


In Canada, her privacy rights would protect her. I know prison guards, cops, nurses, doctors, lawyers, etc etc etc who are legal and keep their jobs. But the US may be different.

In the US, it being legal I would think there would be a great need for healthcare workers who know about Cannabis. I wish I could help more but I would imagine the possibilities would be endless.


My buddy and his wife live in Alaska and she works in education and they ran into the same thing. He’s retiring next year, wants to start getting into cannabis on a business/professional level, but her work literally has a statement that defines what kind of cannabis-related activity they can be affiliated with (or lack thereof.)

"On the very top of her intake paperwork, stated in bold red lettering, it said “your spouse cannot be affiliated in the retail cannabis trade in the state of Alaska for you to be employed with the Anchorage school district.”

I would just simply reach out to the state board and ask. Use a fake e-mail/name if they are worried about it anonymity.


Thank you for the Feedback guys. I will have a place to start looking into it. Good advice @Jordan


In New York, Maine, and Hawaii Nurse practitioners can recommend cannabis through the states medical cannabis laws. New York requires special training for NPs.
Each state has its own state board of nursing and guidelines related to scope and standards of practice.
The American Cannabis nurses Association has published scope and standards of practice for RNs and is working on s&s for advanced practice nurses currently.
One of the goals of the ACNA is to provide national certification for RNs and NPs, this is likely years down the road but exciting none the less.


Core curriculum for nurses:


Scope and Standards of practice:



Thank you @Taima!