Oregon Cannabis May Be Coming to Store Shelves In Your Town

Oregon State legislature recently passed a bill that would allow for the export of cannabis products to legal markets across the U.S. In an act of patience and respect, business owners in OR are waiting for the feds to give the green light to cannabis export, which currently would be a violation of the Interstate Commerce Act. The State Cannabis Commerce Act introduced by Representative Earl Blumenauuer and Senator Ron Wyden (D-Oregon) is landmark legislation that, if passed, would symbolize a major step forward toward federal cannabis legalization in America.

If this legislation passes, how do you expect cannabis impost/export to effect the domestic marketplace? How might importation impact the market in your state? As a cannabis businessperson, are you in support or against the State Cannabis Commerce Act?


Hey. I’m at ‘Space Sage’. We’re applying for a micro-tier farming license, eventually we’ll have lab work and we’ll enter into the market. We’re working in a unique environment, all organic, off grid, looking at all the sage and it’s height, I can’t help but to think of auto-flowers, anyway, I think we should have a chance to send our friends in Vermont (I know they have fire already) the product that offers them and/or their loved ones the relief they need. Also, entering into the market will open up a door :door: to collaboration.