Periodic haiku!

I like Florine


That is so much fun! Where was this gem when I was memorizing the chart for school? I’m Putting this in a file called “future fun homework” for my 2 year old and 4 year old.


They are never to young! We read a lot of children’s poems to our son. The happiest day was when we switched to real books. We read to our son nightly until he was twelve. He is almost 25 and a reader. He also climbs mountains for a living. :grinning:

I used a round periodic table to memorize the elements by class and election orbit, for high school chemistry. That way I didn’t have to keep referring to the book. There is also a cool chart for my hated organic chemistry. That helps remember carbon bonds, without it I would have fail organic chemistry.

My son did the same for his chemistry classes.

Learning is fun.

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I am a voracious reader, and am trying to instill this within my kids. I tell them - Everything is a cinch, when you do it by the inch! Break down your task into smaller repeatable tasks (my dad was a project manager for a prototype car company).
Sounds like your son had a real leg up by having you to learn by. Thanks for the insight and enjoyable reading material Ethan


I had great role models growing up. My dad always said his father said reading means success. His father had to leave school at 13 to support the family. But, kept studying with the Rabbi, on his time off. He said it may have been religious, but it thought me to argue through reasoning. Jews argue with G-d. Fun to reminder how we got hear. :grinning:


I was raised Catholic, so that resonates with me. lots of arguing there.


Meitnerium, 109, is pretty funny.

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Merely conjectured,
your chemical properties.
No data at all.

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