Those pics could indicate symptoms of many problems. What are the PPM’s of the nutrient solution?
Prob resolved…it was majorly depleted on nutrient🤓
I had a sneaking suspicion PPM levels were low and the plant was not receiving sufficient NPK. Glad you got the issue resolved!
Yes my spouse went over…he is known as the plant doc around here…we not expererts but made a lot of mistakes along the way…learning and teaching others
This is how we all learn and become better growers…together
Good Afternoon,
If you were to use Honey’s Soil & Hydroponic Conditioner is has the properties of eliminating pests, viruses, etc., because it creates a highly oxygenated state in the soil & water. It also regulates the pH to neutral.
Man I was gonna say it looked like it had some sort of nutrient deficiency but I wasn’t sure, the wilt could be from lights and environment as well. Glad you found the reason though
what did you mix to resolve the deficiency may I ask?
Thanks good to know…we will check yahs out…he is starting a new diet as we speak…
I didn’t ask the boys but I will ask and. update you all💖