Plants not Maturing - Getting impatient!

Hi Everyone!

First time poster here so thanks for reading! I am a first time grower and have harvested 75% of the 3 plants I had growing in my back yard. I’ve had issues with my flowers maturing because I have a streetlight shining into my back yard, so while they got a TON of sun, they did not get enough darkness.

My issue right now, is that I’ve left 1/4 of one plant and 1/3 of another in hopes their trichomes would mature so that they have more amber. Currently, they still are mostly just cloudy, some clear, and very few ambers. I’ve now dried and curing the rest of the plants, but the remaining plants still aren’t maturing. All the plants have seeded out.

I was told to try bringing them into the garage full time in the dar with no water, and see if that helps. It didn’t. They are still healthy even after a week of not watering them, but no maturing of the trichomes. We have had a few nice warm and sunny days here, so I’ve brought them back out and seeing if some more sunshine will help, even though it’s only a few hours now.

Does anyone else know what I should do? Should I keep doing what I’m doing? Should I just harvest them and call it a day? Thank you so much!

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Hey welcome to the community! It’s my first grow too. I can’t help you solve your problems but i can tag some people who might know how to handle it. @Slym3r @PreyBird1 @Tygrow78 @oso hopefully one of them will be able to answer your question!


Sounds like street light messed up the dark period and they stressed and hermied. Only other way they seed is there’s a male or hermaphrodite already there pollinating the plants. Street lights are a big problem. I would just harvest them. Or wait and see. Shoot out that street light lol jk. Then hopefully they will finish before the city fixes the light.


Thank you so much Kat!


haha Trust me I’ve thought of it! I think I’ll plan an execution of the light next year. I’ve only found a few seeds here and there so not a huge deal. Thank you so much


Bro… Shoot the light out in the middle of the night! Doneski!

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If they hermed it’s pretty much too late. Might as well harvest and do what the guys above me said and get rid of light.

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Haha i still use a classic wrist rocket lol love it.

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hay my man so are u still suffering the infection in ur hand ?? any improvement?? Prayers are with u bro

Yes gonna have plastic surgery graft. Flap of stomach skin open and hand sutured to my side for 6 weeks as flap of skin heals over wrist because it has its own supply of blood already. @lasvegas7

Having a rist rocket at 8 is like the equivalent of a ar15 for kids! :joy:

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We had pump bb guns also.

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Looks like the groups got you covered. I would just harvest myself.

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If you’re plants are a manageable height try placing a tarp loosely over the plant in the evenings and take it off daily (you might get lucky with a translucent one and not have to remove it at all) You may lose some trichomes, but you’ll save them from hermie. Also, It’s a long shot, but there could be a male in a neighboring grow pollinating your plants.
With time you’ll get to know how much your stains, figure out her tendencies, including the maximum time she can go, and not hermie.
Save those seeds, and some pollen for mad science experiments. You never know, there maybe a new super-cut in there somewhere.
Good luck


Hi welcome to the Forum.
Why would you stop watering? Cannabis becomes a water hog in flower as it practically double sit’s size and outgrows the container. The plants can demand water 1-2 times a day if small container.

Would you stop giving a baby milk?
Hell F’n no!

Are your plants mobile in what size containers.
How is the streetlight shining in your backyard? What kind of light is it and how far away is it?
Block it or make some type of shield if the plants are still in veg!!!

What do you mean by seeded out?

Also, the meds in the trichomes will continue to convert on their own after you harvest.
Air and oxidation will get you the THC and CBNa you seem to be looking for as it ages.
I have some White Rhino 4 years old where the trichomes are mainly gold and orange = goodnight no fun.

Can you post some photos?

The meds in the trichomes will convert on their own as they cure and oxidate over time.
What week flower are you in?
What do you mean by having issues with your flowers to mature?
Kyle M