Please help a newbie!

Hi! Here are my ladies! I think it is time to add some flowering nutrients, but I live in rural Mexico so it is not easy to get everything. I am posting a photo of 2 hydroponic supplies a friend loaned me. Which one should I use when? Should I dilute? Thanks in advance for all help!

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would you be able to upload your pictures again as they are not showing up

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Slow upload speed here. Says uploading…

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daaaaamnn rural af haha, how long have you been growing?

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I feel your pain. I have the fastest speed available for uncapped, 6mb down, 2mb up. But atleast its realiable.

I tried editing your pictures but no luck. Please re-upload.

About 5 months, since lockdown!

better off faxing or using smoke signals lol jk…curious on what your set up looks like thou

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Those look like some healthy plants! Welcome to the forum!! I can see your pics so I think they finally uploaded.

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Done! Final photo is of the bloom stuff I have. It’s for hydro, I’m using soil. Should I use it?

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I resent the photos, one by one. Please scroll down, and thanks for advice on the bloom stuff I have!

I’m not 100% sure because I haven’t gotten to nutrients yet for my plant but I think (someone correct me if I’m wrong) that you need to dilute that in water before using it. (If you’re able to use it. That part I don’t know). This is a nutrient feeding schedule that is from this website, maybe it will help you figure out what dose to give your plants?

sorry I can’t be of more help.

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contact the manufacturer or dealer to check on the use with dirt. I grew in dirt and mixed in only worm castings. You may want to ph your water to about 6 (dirt and hydro)

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Thank you!

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I am an idiot! It says right on the back of the bottle how much to use if growing in soil! So I mixed 1 Tablespoon with 3 gallons of filtered water and watered the ladies this morning. 3 waterings like this, then 1 flush, then repeat, for about 8 more weeks. Am I on the right track?

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what “bloom phase” would you say ur in? Be care on how much you saturate the soil, are you checking the run off i guess how are you watering, is there run off or none?