Please help out a cannabis queen #trippyqueenparadise

Please assist a cannabis activist and promoter. Nia is based in Michigan and helping bring awareness to our beautiful plant and culture as well as the stigma associated to it. The ultimate goal is to build a cannabis Spa and smoking lounge. Below is her story that can be supported here, or you are welcome to see her website, shop and social links here. I am personally going to help her improve her site and digital footprint.

My name is Nia I go by TrippyQueen, you may know me as the owner of TrippyQueenParadise. The Paradise of all things Cannabis related. I have a passion for helping people understand the uses and correctly use cannabis products. My company does content creation on Weedtube and Youtube as well as Twitch and other platforms. We have an online store for you to grab all your cannabis-related goods and paraphernalia. Our goal is to show the benefits of organic cannabis and all of the wonderful things it can do.

My life changed dramatically about 8 years ago when I had my own accident and physical problems. We started off with x-ray after x-ray, and Mri after Mri. After all of the diagnoses and talking to the doctors, no one could really help me with all of my ongoing pain or even a proper diagnosis. I’ve done extensive therapy, among other things. Then I tried to go back to cannabis regardless of the stigma society puts on it. I was in so much pain it eventually started affecting my work, home, family, and depression mentally. After going back to cannabis, it put a big light back in my life. I was able to get out of my mental rut I still have pain from time to time, but nowhere near as bad as it used to be so with my pain management therapy and cannabis I’m able to function in everyday life.

I and my fiance eventually decided to start a family and my firstborn son had a lot of complications with his birth. I had so much pain, as the doctors told me my cervix could be a problem. Shortly after they told me my son could be born prematurely and he may not even make it. We worried and worried and after a lot of pain he was born at 25 weeks and had to go through a lot of health issues and problems for four months until we were finally able to take him home. The only thing that got me through the whole situation was my fiance and cannabis to control some of the pain. But, my son is alive and well. We have a lot of health problems that will always be ongoing as he is special needs, but I couldn’t be happier.

Recently in the last year, I decided to start TrippyQueenParadise to bring awareness to organic cannabis and the Hemp community with my business. TrippyQueenParadise. The funds that the community donates will go to opening a storefront for the company to start our fully immersive spa and resort. It will be smoking-friendly, and the funds will go to keeping staff going as well as all organic hemp products from supporting small businesses. It will be a home for you to finally be free and get the relaxation you truly deserve no matter your pain level or health problem. You will be able to come to the spa for relaxation, as well as a full dispensary, and smoking resort, all including cannabis and hemp-based. There will be a Smoking Lounge included with the Spa, And if we can raise the funds, we would love to have the CannaSpa built out of Hemp as well, because Congress has approved the construction and use of Hemp during construction!

I am asking for your help today as my last resort, we have tried bank loans, crowdfunding, and investors. Some people are still very stagnant on the Cannabis Industry as well as banks feeling it is too high risk with Cannabis. A lot of people do not have faith in the cannabis and hemp business. With your help, I want to bring awareness to all of the benefits of hemp as well as partial proceeds helping children with cancer and other illness that hemp can benefit from. In closing I do appreciate your time in reading my story and hope you help your community, if you are not able to donate… sharing my story is the most helpful thing you could do. Thank you for your time.

Click here to donate, and thank you.


Have no money but (Good Vibes are Heading Your Way) !!!can you fell them ?