Am am sharing a basic schema for managing a grow.
- I will include the data schema
- I will include the COA for Quickbooks
- show the integration points for your growers, managers and bankers.
- I will only work in actual not accrual.
- you have to do all the accounting. I just supply the intersections of grow to accounting.
- I will supply KPI and KPM Metadata intersections as user definable with the core defined for basic queue optimization.
- this is a work in progress
@supergrower_matt, @Growernick, @Farmer_Dan, @FarmerK, @ron, @fdousty and big @nick
Part 1 Data schema for production queue and reporting – work in progress
- Create data schema core
- a. ISO8601 Week functions ISO 8601 Week data
- i. Date in today or any date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD
- Year YYYY
- Week WW
- Day D 1-7 Monday start of week
- ii. Date out
- WK + day returns date
- in the format of YYYY-MM-DD
- needed for accounting
- i. Date in today or any date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD
- b. Total usable space schema
- i. ID number
- ii. Name
- iii. Location
- iv. Length
- v. Width
- vi. Style of bench
- vii. Utilization % at maximum.
- c. Container characteristics schema
- i. ID number
- ii. Name
- iii. Shape
- iv. Hight
- v. Width
- vi. Volume
- vii. Manufacturer
- viii. URL
- ix. SKU
- d. Space Model schema
- i. ID number
- ii. S-code calculated
- iii. Container ID
- Spacing table
- a. ID number
- b. Name
- c. Units if Square
- e. Touch type schema
- Crop batch schema
- a. ID number
- b. Week
- c. Crop ID
- d. Crop name
- e. Parent ID
- f. Parent Name
- g. S value look up
- h. T value look up
- i. Number of children
- Child table schema
- a. Crop batch ID
- b. ID number
- c. Plant data table
- Plant Data 1 table
- a. Plant ID number look up
- b. Scheduled or unscheduled
- c. Transaction type lookup defines units
- d. Recorded data by units
- e. Total time in minutes.
- f. Number of people.
- Child data KPI meta data points
- Child KPM meta data points look up if KPI and definition of metric
- Production Queue schema
Bocks required today to implement a production optimization queue.
Joe Celko’s Thinking in Sets: Auxiliary, Temporal, and Virtual Tables in SQL
Joe Celko’s Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties 2nd Edition
Capability Maturity Model why a book on software management. Just substitute “Grow” for software. We want level 5 self correcting processes.
Game theory. One on cooperative aulteristic models.
Queueing, of nested sets for production optimization.