Production Scheduling matrix schema

Am am sharing a basic schema for managing a grow.

  • I will include the data schema
  • I will include the COA for Quickbooks
  • show the integration points for your growers, managers and bankers.
  • I will only work in actual not accrual.
  • you have to do all the accounting. I just supply the intersections of grow to accounting.
  • I will supply KPI and KPM Metadata intersections as user definable with the core defined for basic queue optimization.
  • this is a work in progress

@supergrower_matt, @Growernick, @Farmer_Dan, @FarmerK, @ron, @fdousty and big @nick

Part 1 Data schema for production queue and reporting – work in progress

    1. Create data schema core
    • a. ISO8601 Week functions ISO 8601 Week data
      • i. Date in today or any date in the format of YYYY-MM-DD
          1. Year YYYY
          1. Week WW
          1. Day D 1-7 Monday start of week
      • ii. Date out
          1. WK + day returns date
          1. in the format of YYYY-MM-DD
          1. needed for accounting
    • b. Total usable space schema
      • i. ID number
      • ii. Name
      • iii. Location
      • iv. Length
      • v. Width
      • vi. Style of bench
      • vii. Utilization % at maximum.
    • c. Container characteristics schema
      • i. ID number
      • ii. Name
      • iii. Shape
      • iv. Hight
      • v. Width
      • vi. Volume
      • vii. Manufacturer
      • viii. URL
      • ix. SKU
    • d. Space Model schema
      • i. ID number
      • ii. S-code calculated
      • iii. Container ID
          1. Spacing table
          • a. ID number
          • b. Name
          • c. Units if Square
    • e. Touch type schema
    1. Crop batch schema
    • a. ID number
    • b. Week
    • c. Crop ID
    • d. Crop name
    • e. Parent ID
    • f. Parent Name
    • g. S value look up
    • h. T value look up
    • i. Number of children
    1. Child table schema
    • a. Crop batch ID
    • b. ID number
    • c. Plant data table
    1. Plant Data 1 table
    • a. Plant ID number look up
    • b. Scheduled or unscheduled
    • c. Transaction type lookup defines units
    • d. Recorded data by units
    • e. Total time in minutes.
    • f. Number of people.
    1. Child data KPI meta data points
    1. Child KPM meta data points look up if KPI and definition of metric
    1. Production Queue schema

Bocks required today to implement a production optimization queue.

Joe Celko’s Thinking in Sets: Auxiliary, Temporal, and Virtual Tables in SQL

Joe Celko’s Trees and Hierarchies in SQL for Smarties 2nd Edition

Lagrange polynomial

Capability Maturity Model why a book on software management. Just substitute “Grow” for software. We want level 5 self correcting processes.

Game theory. One on cooperative aulteristic models.

Queueing, of nested sets for production optimization.

DB2 cookbook