Question about Rockwool cubes and volume

Hi there
Doing some research prior swapping from either 2 or 3 gallon Pots to Rockwool cubes, what size cubes would be equivalent of a 3 gallon pot? depending on the pot size i could put 12 to 16 plants under a 630W LED with the 3 gal pots (covers a 1,25 mtr sq area) or 20/25 on the 2 gallon pots



The blocks you would want are the Delta 10, or Big Mama blocks @pcj. They would be your closest equivalent to a 3 gallon bucket. They measure 8"×8"×8".


Hi there !!
Many thanks, if you dont mind me asking a couple of questions?

Am I exagerating with thyat size bloks?In Coco I use 2 and 3 gallon pots depending on the strain, but always give them max 3 weeks veg,am asking because i see in many videos people use the 6"X6" more often than the 8"x 8"?

My light footprint is 1,25 sq mtr X 1,25, how many plants would you guys recommend?

Thanks again


I use rockwool at the start of every grow, but then transition to dwc. Yes, I’ve seen lots of people grow in the 6"×6" blocks. @devjyarn grows exclusively in rockwool. He can probably answer all your questions.


thanks mate! lets see if @devjyarn has the time :grinning:

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Hey! Thanks for the call!

The 6" blocks were designed specifically to grow cannabis or other crops that have a 12wk growing cycle.

Rockwool slabs that are about 4x8x40" are made for plants that grow for 6 months or more. They work well for cannabis too, but it’s a bit of a waste.

I’d recommend a planting density for a text of about .25m² per full grown plant. That would give you 9 plants in your space.


Hi mate,thanks

How long would you recommend vegging , using that 0,25 sq mtr rule?

Also if you could give me some advice about watering the cubes,my guess is it needs runoff on every watering?What frequency?Those 6"cubes look good, a change after years with 3 gallon Coco pots,since i am planing a vertical set up(Two floors) it seam much more manageable

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I veg 4-6 weeks from the time they are a rooted clone depending on the plant. It’s tough to tell exactly when to flip or how big to veg if you haven’t done that crop a few times.

I would recommend feeding 3 times a day until runoff. Don’t feed until an hour or two after your lights come on, and make your last feeding an hour or two before the lights go out.

Rockwool is light and clean and great for what you’re describing.


Very helpful, thanks mate!