Question for experienced home growers!

Have patience…(with your plant/s and your helper…your help may come from someone not on your continent, in a different time zone, if you as a newbie desided on a helper, stick with that person, don’t get detracted, you chose the helper, because you saw something you like) this is a long hawl relation…just thinking aloud. :sunglasses::v:


@Arrow I can attest to that brother! :+1::100::v:


I think what is confusing to new growers is the time frame from germ. to flower. You germinate the seeds and think there in veg. Not true about 3to4 weeks for them to establish them selfes. Then another 4 weeks of veg. Then 8 weeks till flower or more. For autos. sorry.

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Genetics and understanding passive and agressive delivery , and timing my friends , and environment but that’s the easiest to set up not the easiest to get ur hands on if ur broke hahah

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Dr. Bruce Bugbee


Stick with one strain and learn to grow it well. Keep it simple. Happy Frog soil with Dr. Earth Homegrown (a tbs for every gallon of soil) when you transplant in final pot.

PH your water and be patient. Worm casting and couple more tbs Dr Earth at aroun week 3-4 of flower.


Smart man actually, always trying to push par meters ( apogee), I’ve watched all his stuff… 101 :v:t2: