Re-thinking Humboldt's history

So the other day I was looking at old picture’s and found one a big fat Bud the size of a magazine. It was the first time I purchased Sinsemilla and I hate to put a kink in Humboldt claiming that it all started in northern California as all these experts claim . The year I purchased this bud was in 1972 and it came from Fallbrook California its over by San Diego . There was a big huge group of growers living there.
One day a large Police task force raided and arrested all the growers they went door to door and wiped out all growing. So here is a little un-known story not often told. So sorry Northern California Southern California started it all.


Lovely to know, history is always changing. There is always bias from a story tellers part, but that is also highlights the importance of capturing different opinions. As an outsider I have always seen a clear division between SO and NO Cal cannabis products. So I think you are spot on with your story. I have changed my story now, thanks for the info? Any pictures, or it did not happen?


How true about changing history. It seems that each generation is taught different spins on history. Documented facts are worth their weight in gold, just look at what our forefathers who lived in caves did for us by their wall sketch’s.

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