Remo Nutrients - AMA - New to the community

Hi Everyone,

Joel here from Remo Nutrients!!!

We were graciously accepted into the community and I just wanted to officially start things off by introducing ourselves and invite any questions that people may have. We’re in the process of setting up our Vendor Lounge folder so for the first little bit, I’ll respond to any questions on this thread.

One perk with our company is that we offer free tech support 7 days per week from 9am-9pm for all of our clients. We want to make sure everyone is happy and that usually starts with health plants.

Anyways, to avoid being too pitchy, feel free to ask us anything and hopefully we can help you with an questions you may have, about our products or growing in general.



Welcome @RemoNutrients! That’s quite good support coverage you guys have with 7 days a week.


We’re a small family business but we realize you need to step up services offered in order to stand out. Our clients keep us in business and when everything is running smoothly, we can continue doing what we’re doing. Plus with all of these big gardens popping up, we need to be making sure everyone is happy :wink:


What was the inspiration for your logo? That’s quite the Magnum PI mustache the dude has :slight_smile:


Most people know him by his mustache and glasses…


Ha, that’s a great video!

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We learned of Remo through our master grower, who considers Remo his mentor. The great personal service and support are real perks!


remo is good dude,
had plenty chances to spend time with him in europe, so now offering fert is a pretty good idea.
@RemoNutrients do you guys have any samples we could try out ?

way to go, one love


Where are you located? Are you in North America or EU?

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We’ve added badges for location to people’s profiles now. It looks like @jeffman is in Spain, so EU.

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If you’re in Spain, we have distribution through La Mota Distribution. Easy Grow in the UK does our bottling so if La Mota can’t help you out, they can arrange a sample for you (

Hope that helps,



Solid video.

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I can attest - I’ve had a quick chat with Joel about custom feed schedules for REMO’s product line.

I’ve been testing it in my home 5x5 grow tent with great success!
Check out @4apharms on instagram for some pics if your interested.

We run an organic grow in our larger medical facility but I’ve been playing around with some controlled environment tests with a few 5x5 tents with the new recreational laws in Canada for personal grow at home and I’ve been really happy with the results so far - it’s easy, PH balanced and provides really nice output without any crazy high N-P-K amounts or ratios. I’ve been doing quite a bit of research and have broke down full ingredient lists, ratios, and derivative information on Advanced Nutrients, General Hyrdo Flora Series, Vegamatrix and REMO. We have one last test with VegaMatrix and then I will have the full breakdown and data set to share/use.

I can say that REMO in my opinion out performs Advanced and GH all day. I’m in Canada and love that they are based and started up here. Plus his youtube channel is a hoot! :wink:

Cheers everyone.

Super exspensive stuff. Like Heavy 16. idk

I guess it depends on what you are comparing it too.

Bottled Vs Organic/Soil?
or are we talking compared to other bottled product lines.?

If you are just following the REMO recipes and using the full product line - it was comparable if not slightly less costly than running a full line of Vegamatrix or Advanced Nutrients. Price comparison was more expensive than General Hydro Flora baseline but comparable once you add a few of the extra GH products.