Rethinking automation and work

For grow operations we need to think about how to use people at there best. They labor is our number one expense.

Do you have jobs people hate and are semi skilled and have high turn over?

Please post your biggest people related production challenges. How many FTE’S as a % of total people related FTE

For example 9% if total FTE in the semi skilled labor has a 38% turn over in transplanting.

In main line floricultue this is why automatic potting and transplanter where deveped. Semi-skilled labor could concentrate on jobs they are more interested in and have a higher job satisfaction. Also turnover was reduced, institutional knowledge does not leave or have to be convaded to new hires. Win, win for grow operations.

From the voices in my head

@hunter, @fdousty, @neville, @Growernick, @tom4, @todd.mccormick,
@NeoMirsky and big @nick

@TheCannabisReporter, just wondering how job satisfaction and work life balance will affect the employee profile in cannabis industry? Are you seeing any trends that the thought leaders in the industry need to concentrate on for better economic return.

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