The Cultivation Cube…Retrofitted Shipping Containers from American Cannabis Company
Since the last post, we have been hard at work redesigning our Cultivation Cubes. ACC now has now raised our bar and improved our product dramatically. We chose to manufacture only insulated models so our modules now have a R18 thermal insulation value and have antimicrobial HVAC fabric ducting for better air sanitation control. It now takes us 4 - 6 weeks to manufacture them and can have your team operational within 90 days! Check out our new ad which will be in the next edition of Grow Magazine in 1Q21. Contact me if you would like to receive a spec sheet on the components used.
On April 25, 2019, a few of my buddies and I started construction of our first Cultivation Cube…which is a 40’ shipping container that we retrofitted as a Medical Marijuana Flowering Grow Cube which can hold up to 84 flowering plants and with conservative metrics produce a minimum of 120 lbs/year.
If you are looking for SPEED TO MARKET or just want to use Cultivation Cubes to build out your grow facility, we can help get it done.
Two Weeks to the day after receiving the empty shipping container, we delivered a fully functional grow facility to Miami, Florida ready to add plants! Contact my team at American Cannabis Company if you are interested in how we can get your business kick started with a Cultivation Cube.