Added a RollPros Blackbird Pre-Roll machine in 2024 to the business and am starting to roll for customers in California. I have a fully licensed indoor cultivation/distro facility in Northern California. We run white labeling with our own product or others. The blackbird machine produces high quality “cigarette” style rolled joints. We also have fantastic strains we sell in bulk all over the state. Browsed the community and figured I would drop this in here if anyone is interested.
Hi @agrosch
Welcome to GN. Can you share some more details of your rolling machine, an image or video? Quite interested.
Welcome to the forum @agrosch
Not sure how many on here are in California. I’m pretty sure you still can’t ship cannabis across country and back to have it rolled up lol.
Hope you do well!
@chrisj appreciate it man. Here are a few pics of our blackbird rolling last week and our latest harvest, permanent marker. Machine rolls fantastic joints man, true rolling style with rather than packing like the cones. We control the the grind, tension, etc. and test the draw on another machine to get it perfect. can roll anywhere from 0.35g joints to 1.2g joints at up to 900 per hour. Have another 70units of this same flower, permanent marker, getting trimmed up this week ready for bulk sale. Shoot me a DM if you are interested! Here is a link to the machine running from the manufacturer:
Yeahhh we just stay in California until things change, figured I’d see how many Californians we have here haha
@PreyBird1 Appreciate that man!
Thanks man, absolutely love it - makes fire joints!
Thanks for sharing @agrosch , 900 joints per hour. Actually like the cigarette shape, gives a more consistent smoke throughout.