Root Boosters? What do you use?

Hey GN!

I have finished a few rounds getting back into growing, and I am noticing my root systems are fairly weak across the board.

I have some solid growth in my recent photo growth of Apple Fritter and Gary Payton, but they could have definitely developed more.

My autos are turning out nice in terms of flower, but the roots are not filling out 3 gallon, or even 2 gallon pots.

In my next batch of growth that just hit the seedling stage, I would really like to focus on max root growth.

I use Happy Frog Soil, Ventana Plant Science, FlavUH, and Stash Blend as nutrients.

What do you normally use for root growth stimulate? I just got some Tribus and will start my autos on a 1 ml/gallon dosage. Any thoughts?


Tribus is good i use it with jacks

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I would recommend 2 things that i always religiously use.

  1. Dynomyco.
  1. Great white.
    Enhance root growth and maximize yields with Great White Mycorrhizae from Plant Success. This cutting-edge formula combines 15 species of mycorrhizal fungi, 11 species of beneficial bacteria, and 2 species of trichoderma. The concentrated water-soluble powder ensures optimal colonization of root systems, leading to explosive root growth, increased nutrient absorption, and improved transplant success. Give your plants a strong and developed root system with Great White!*1xpdsvc*_up*MQ_gsMQ…&gclid=Cj0KCQiA4L67BhDUARIsADWrl7F-uEWVGNainZFHpHfAfMWpmXclHN4bzoauRGVb7s3iQQPlP7GQpVkaAqydEALw_wcB

When my plants are young they also get Roots organic - Surge.
And when they go into flower i use Roots organic Hp2.
I use 2 different brand lines of nutrients together. Ive been doing it for years. Its more of a hybrid nutrients mix i have developed and use in promix-hp specifically. Ive used every media there is and i prefer promix-hp or hydro.


Hydrozyne’s 3 products (use them now will never use anything else now)
Stump Tea
Great white
Xtreme gardening products (Azros. Myko, ect)
have use all of these - any questions ?
also here is one more;can’t remember the name at present but I rate it #2 after hydrozyne’s products - happy hunting ! (bigger roots bigger plants)
Dynomyco is great to add to your soil when planting but consider using liquid once plant is “set”