Im new to growing and i ran into a issue last night where rust/red spots started appearing on 3 of my 10 plants.
Im in the middle of week 6 since light flip and have been giving them Canna’s nutrient line.
Flores: 6ml/L
Cannazym: 2,5ml/L
Rhizotonic: 0,5ml/L
Great White Premium Mychorrhiza: Once per week 4,5g/10L
Led Light: Lumatek 600w Pro/ at 100% 37cm/14.5in hanging height
Pots: AirPot 9L/2,4gal
Environment: Room temps have been around 24,5C/76F and leaf temps around 22.8C/73F and night temp 19C/66F. VPD around 1.25.
After some general yellowing of the leaves about 8 days ago i upped the nutrient solution to 7ml/l (Canna’s heavy feed) thinking it was a sign of too little nutrients available in leaves.
I have been giving them 0,6L/0.16gal every 24 hours. But the last two days i have given them 0,75L/0.2gal because they seem to drink it up.
Appreciate any and all feedback.
Have u looked at the leaves under a scope. Some well most I see white specs possible eggs or such. I’d scope them super well. They r absolutely beautiful. @TheMadFlascher maybe u see something
I have already read this. My reason for posting is wanting a third party opinion from some one who hopefully has more experience than me
Well a question I will ask you, did you have weird colored leaves that looked like this during veg stage.
If you did the rust spots indicate the plants have Tobacco Mosaic Virus. Just pluck the leaves off, it shouldn’t hurt the harvest. If the leaves looked normal during veg stage, more than likely it is a Calmag deficiency, the veins will have a slightly different color than the leaf itself.
They did not have that in veg no.
Then if its not overfeeding and its a deficiency then would it be possible to fix it with my current nutrient redgiment or would i need to buy a seperate calmag nutrient solution? It’s not a big deal to buy but just want to make sure
Thanks for the reply
I am assuming your doing an organic grow. If you don’t want to use Calmag try this; You can either do an Epsom salt foliar spray, which is the quickest uptake. Two tbsp per one gallon. Blackstrap Molasses is also good, Two tbsp per one gallon. It has even more nutrients, but it feeds the microbes in the soil. Other than the rust spots, your plants look good to me, remember your leaves are going to be showing signs of deficiencies as you get closer to harvest, the buds will start robbing the stored nutrients from the leaves.
UPDATE If you do a foliar feed do it at lights out so you don’t burn your plants.
I am not using the Bio Canna line im using regular Canna Flores, however i would be interested to try it but thats for another time when i have more experience under my belt
@Holminator , you have a beautiful grow going there !
You’re pretty far along, I don’t think I would worry too much about the ‘rust’ spots.
Looking at a close up of your tent, I DO NOT see any problematic signs…unless something else starts to show the same symptoms, I’d confidently ride your program into the finish…
Thank you! I think thats just what i needed to hear, I tend to overthink things
I was about to buy Canna Calmag Agent to have ready if i tested the ph runoff and nute lock was rouled out. But since im only about 4 weeks from chop give or take (my estimation) i will hold out.
But i will pay attention to wether the problem gets worse, in a drastic way.
Appreciate the help
Some pictures from Thursday that shows some more of the lower parts of the plant and a leaf that i ripped of the plant from under the canopy.
Just so you’re aware…that’s called ‘nutrient robbing’ and will often show up sometime in the bloom period.
Your bud development is Demanding more nutrient than you’re feeding…since filling bud takes a tremendous amount of nutrient support, the plant will actually ‘steal’ that nutrient from the lower fan leaves. LOL, essentially ‘sacrificing’ them for a good cause!
Thats cool but i’ll try to avoid that next time haha