I need your help I usually do not like planting much but my moms like and she grows plants a lot like a baby. she recently grew one plant named (Corallorhiza orchids) but now it’s in very bad condition I only water it once an in day the morning. please suggest to me some tips on how can I fix this as fast as possible. If my mom sees this she will be so upset. easy tips that I can easily follow
@Sanchez, here is the info I could find. I am Certainly NOT an expert on orchids, but one thing that struck me in reviewing this information was the close relationship with Ectomycorrhizal fungi. Cannabis innoculants are readily available. You might want to search ‘Inoculants that contain Ectomycorrhizal fungi’
Also I would back WAY OFF on the daily watering. It’s never a good idea to water an ailing plant as excess water limits oxygen availability to the roots!
I can chip in a little bit about the watering… orchid roots will rot in standing water. You should fill the pots (I asume the roots are in bark or wood chip or so) with water, let them sit for about 15 mins, then drain all the water and this about once a week.
I usually put mine in the sink, let em sit there for a bit and take em back out, drained.
Most species are putatively parasitic, relying entirely upon mycorrhizalfungi within their coral-shaped rhizomes for sustenance. Because of this dependence on myco-heterotrophy, they have never been successfully cultivated. Most species are leafless and rootless. Most species produce little or no chlorophyll, and do not utilize photosynthesis. An exception is the yellowish green species Corallorhiza trifida, which has some chlorophyll and is able to fix CO2. However, this species also depends primarily on fungal associations for carbon acquisitio
Thanks everyone for your replies. Actually, I stopped watering it, and surprisingly, it worked, but not entirely because the conditions were quite severe. My mom came after a few days, and she was upset to see the deteriorating condition of the plant. As I expected, she got very upset. To apologize, I bought some plants for her: Sweetheart Plant, Rhipsalis, and Spider Plant. I’m not sure if that was a good or a silly idea, but I just wanted to do something nice for her. To make it even more special, I ordered some fertilizer, mycorrhizae fungi (Rootmax). I usually see her using it. Did I make the right move?