Secure transport & security for transactions

Hello community, is now offering permitted secure transportation services for cannabis in CA. We additionally are offering permitted security for cash transactions. Our staff are former special operations forces. We additionally can offer, a safe meeting room for buyers and sellers to meet and transact in Orange County & Adelanto. In the future, we will also be offering secure storage in Adelanto.



Very cool to know, glad CA is proceeding quickly with the whole transition.
I am curious, is there a requirement for marijuana waste and scrapes to have to be securely transported?

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Not yet, we’ll know all that when the new regs come out (I’m told).

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Hi Angela,

I specialize in commercial insurance for the cannabis industry and we have an A-rated insurance package specifically designed for Transporters that combines Storing, Processing, Packaging and Transporting Stock/Inventory and Cash into one cover form that provides seamless protection from seed to sale. In addition, this product is rated on an All Risk basis as well.

If you would like additional information, I would welcome the opportunity to work with you and Cannabisbuyer.

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Thank you, I’ll let my transport partner know. I’m not sure if he needs a quote, but i’ll let him know the service is available to see if he needs one. If so I certainly will contact you.

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I like the idea of a secure meeting room for buyers and sellers!

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