Seed city any good

Any us users buy from seed city are they discreet and are they a honest company? Any experiences appreciated thanks

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Can’t help, no experience buying from them. Sorry

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Try they’re awesome good customer service great genes and super discreet

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Haven’t tried Seed City, but then again i’m really new to this whole community/growing thing so I don’t have a lot of experience with many companies. There are a few pinned threads here though with a lot of good company rec’s, that’s where I got my start…just gotta search through the Categories section. @nick or @chrisj (one of the Chris’!!!) has posted the link a few times.

I’m in CA and needed a seed place that accepted credit card (i’m still sketch sending cash or money order to some unknown entity) and shipped in US. I’ve ordered from Premium Seed Market (all Reg Photos) and Mainely seeds (all Fem - both photos and autos), both were delivered without issues (PSM email customer service was great for me6…both also have really good holiday sales right now (PSM is BOGO, Mainely is 35% off your entire order @mainelyseeds207 ). I actually placed a second order through Mainely because of the selection and fast shipping…ME to CA in less than a week during holiday season :clap: Here’s how the Mainely packages look…seeds were in plastic vials/tubes: