Seed starting kit? Or go a different route?

I always wait till I get roots coming out the sides and bottom you don’t want your seedlings touching that plastic cover.
Scratch that I see you’re growing auto flowers. I would wait till you see a root poking through on one of them then I would go into it’s forever home. I would also cut the bottom out of that Pete disc too. The less you stress a auto flower the bigger it will get.


Thanks for the info it’s much appreciated


When using these domes and pellets, there is an amount of drying time needed.

They look like they were to wet. Every two days wipe that moisture out of the top…make sure they don’t get super dry either though.

I moved them to into solo cups once they touched the lid of dome, then moved them into tent.


I think I should have put them a little deeper in soil. My fan hasn’t came from amazon, I think that may be my issue with the thin stem


They look like they are stretching too trying to get light.
Some of the expert growers here will probably have you check with your light manufacturer to see recommended light length.
You are right your fan will help, but you have got them to this point.
Nice job, and the expert growers will get you straight.


As far as the long stems not much you can do about that now. But for future reference if you transplant your babies a little bit deeper in the cup then when they stretch you can gently add a little soil around them. The portion of the stem that you bury will produce roots. So it’s a win-win doing it this way.


See I did read that on here before, they were 1/2” below top of soil but I did leave it loose.
Is it recommended to pinch the dirt around stem?


It’s best not to. A little bit too much pressure on one side of the other and you can break it off. After a few light watering’s it’ll settle in nicely.


Gotcha. Thanks for the info

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