For commercial scale planting I highly recommend looking into
Their design utlizes a proprietary seeding flat which separates each cell between a degradable sleeve.
This flat when ready will get loaded into their automatic planting machine for exact planting requirements. Which requires a few laborers, to ensure the flats are always stocked and loaded.
They are an extremely helpful group of people based out of Salinas, California.
May I ask what is you budget for planting equipment. What features would you like out of said machines. How much labor can be supplied for this task. How ofset are your planting dates; would a rental make more sense then the outright purchase of said machining.
Many Blessings!
I might also look into some of the tech offered byKeithly-Williams. All the big ag companies (including Monsanto/Bayer) purchase seed and patented seeding equipment from them.
It’s worth mentioning that this company has been reluctant to deal with cannabis businesses in the past.