Seeking advice on growing autos in the same place as photo

I have three auto flowers and three photo. They are all the same age I’m curious how the autos will do once I switched to 12 and 12?


From what I have learned; your Auto’s will not be affected by the flip.
Happy Growing :v:t3:

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Don’t flip it’s an auto if anything I’d suggest a 20hrs on and 4 hours off schedule u want them to get tons of light during flower the plant will go into flower on it’s own


I grow autos in the same room as my photos with no issues. These are Tangerine autos in the same room with my flipped photos.

The light schedule does not seem to make a difference that I’ve seen so far.


I’m running mine together at 20/4 also. When the autos finish up I’ll drop my cycle down to flower the photos. I don’t think we’ve spoke before… Florida growmie… welcome and all that jazz …

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I recently grew autos for the first time and was told by many that a minimum of 18 hours of light from start to finish was essential to maximize yield