Shatter/crumble extractor

Hi everyone. I am looking for an expierienced professional i can hire to process our trimm into concentrate. Good shatter or crumble. Legitimate extractors only. Tired of dealing with unprofessional idiots or people who charfe an arm and a leg.


I am in Los Angels any extractors interested in a 50-50 deal on the same topic…lots of trim, not many reliable extractors…

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Hello there, I know a couple of good extractors. Where are you all located? I know of one in N… CAL in Richmond, honest, follows thru, he does CO2, I know another gal in Temecula area, she does ethanol extraction (she’ll definitely do the 50/50 split), very professional & I have another one in the Orange County/Los angeles area very professional; they do CO2.
Call me for the referral.


Hi Angela, I just left a message on your phone…charlie

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As a delivery service, we work with so many growers and manufacturers of cannabis that we tend to keep in touch with those that are of a higher standard than most. I have reputable names/brands that will extract. The ones I deal with test the flower to verify whether it’s organic or not tho. Not all require organic material but that’s what we generally try to procure. 740-ORKANNA is the hotline and you can type “attn Richie” in a message or call and ask. I have several people for sure. Always willing to help and make new good contacts


Where are you located?

Post in Colorado Badged Network for the best responses if you’re here!

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Im located in riverside ca

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Hello! Dank Tank to the rescue.

If you are still in need of services mentioned above, please contact us at 855 710 3265 ex 102.

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I will thank you

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