Looking absolutely amazing @dequilo , something to remember, you can never have too many plants!
13 posts were merged into an existing topic: Upgrade Problems and Work Arounds
I just moved all the posts about upgrade problems to the thread Forum Update Problems and Work Arounds. Don’t panic I just didn’t want to hijack this thread and your posts are still available on that thread.
Yo yo yo! Ok i can respond to messages now sweet! Oh @HostileHippie420 e text me on sunday to remind me about sending you some seeds! And tell mom hello and i was thinking about her and you guys!
If i would’ve saw this i wouldn’t have commented and like you said continue hijacking lol. Looks like i might have even started the jacking lol.
Manyou did good ,really good!
Wtf man what causes it? @paulcoyote
Oh wow lol, a male the purple hid the saxs to me lol.
I shall remind you on Sunday Ma is doing ok she’s been relaxing allot lately but that’s what we want!
@HostileHippie420 glad to hear your mom’s doing better and at home resting best wishes
Hi @flannigan! Our land is at 2700 meters above the sea level, about 10 thousand feet high, and very close to the equator. UV radiation is very high so plants produce anthocyanins for protection. We have A LOT of purple/red/dark variations. We just harvest all the males today.
Wow, do you ever have any problems with bugs that altitude? My guess would be no. I’m just curious.
Thank you for real I appreciate it more than you know this online FAMILY is better than anyone I have in real life !!